The October 4th ArtWalk will include three live bands in the park, demonstrations from various shops and plenty of extra activities at the local restaurants and bars. More than 100 businesses participate in what has become a huge downtown weekend party.
As an ArtWalker, you will find local artists selling everything from embellished accessories to paintings to T-shirts. You’ll also find fun activities for the kids along the way, including face painting and jewelry making. Free transportation makes “walking” the ArtWalk a little easier. Hop aboard the Hobo Express, complete with live “honkadelic” entertainment from the local band, HOBO. Come out to the October ArtWalk this Friday from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Admission to ArtWalks is always free.
What’s happening this weekend
Other First Weekend events include the The Farmer’s Market on Saturday, Marina Market Days, the BridgeWalk and BeachWalk. Visit the Corpus Christi First Initiative website for more details.