NEW LOOK FOR LA RETAMA PARK TO TURN GRASS INTO GRANITE — The home of ArtWalk, La Retama Park soon will get a green-to-granite makeover. Plans for the small, grassy downtown park include covering it with crushed granite and installing new lighting and seating. The project should be finished by April 2015.
La Retama (pronounced ruh-TAH’-muh), hosts about 5,000 people a month at ArtWalk events, which are part of the Corpus Christi First Weekend Initiative. The foot traffic wreaks havoc on the grass, creating muddy messes some months — a problem solved by the crushed granite.
Improvements will be paid for with about $75,000 out of the $16 million bond approved by voters in 2012. The Regional Transit Authority is expected to spend an additional $70,000 for sidewalk repairs, lighting and bus stop improvements. Work should begin August 2014.
During the renovation, ArtWalk will be moved to a new location. More on that later!