Walk through the mouth of a shark on your search for seaside souvenirs. Courtesy photo
Locating a souvenir shop in Corpus Christi is easier than digging your toes in the sand. Well, maybe not that easy, but there are quite a few of them and the unique design of most makes them easy to spot!
The downtown area located between the Texas State Aquarium and the USS Lexington has a surplus of souvenir shops filled with mementos that mimic the beach theme of Corpus Christi.
Right past the JFK Causeway, and just before you hit the beaches, the Padre Island area also teems with stores filled with shells, bathing suits, beach wear, and even live hermit crabs with a choice of decorated shells for homes.
Once you get past the Corpus Christi beaches and mosey into Port Aransas, finding a souvenir shop is literally a hop, skip and jump away, as one is located on just about every corner.
Look for giant sharks, neon octopi, flags and enormous sand mermaids. That's where you'll find a souvenir shop and a quirky fun photo op to boot.