Jan. 1, means a new year and new beach parking permits for Corpus Christi beaches. For only $12 each year, a colorful beach parking permit on your car’s windshield guarantees a full year of beach enjoyment without a fine.
Permits are required on the majority of gulf beaches. Required sections span from beach markers 62 to 98, 196 to 230 and 234 to 252.
Permits are sold on the beach every week during the summer season, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, and year-round at the following locations:
- Stripes Stores
- H-E-B stores (Aransas Pass, Corpus Christi, Portland and Rockport)
- Academy Sports stores (Corpus Christi and Portland)
- Central Cashiering at Corpus Christi City Hall
- Naval Air Station Corpus Christi/ITT Department
- Corpus Christi Convention and Visitors Center
- Nueces County Padre Balli Park Headquarters Office
- Dick’s Sporting Goods
- CVS Pharmacy (Padre Island location)
- TAMU-CC (University Services location)
Beach parking permits help keep the city’s beaches beautiful: Proceeds pay for maintenance crews to clean and maintain the coastline.
For more information, call the Corpus Christi Park and Recreation Department at 361-826-3423 or 361-826-8542. Visit the website at ccparkandrec.com.