Never, ever, ever go out in the sun without using sunblock on your colorful tat. It will fade away your investment.

Never, ever, ever go out in the sun without using sunblock on your colorful tat. It will fade away your investment.

A lot of time, money and creativity go into a tattoo, a masterpiece of art inked onto your skin as canvas. Protect your investment by taking care of your tattoo throughout its lifetime. 
Begin with healing Tattoo care begins with the healing process. A well-healed, healthy tattoo lasts longer, so it pays to begin your skin and ink care regime early.  Clean with antibacterial soap and keep it well moisturized with a dye-free, fragrance-free lotion. The chemicals in a lotion that make it smell good to all those around you can irritate your sensitive skin.  And remember, it takes three to six months for a tattoo to properly heal.
Sunscreen is a must Avoid suntanning and always, always, always use sunscreen. Can't be said enough, actually.  Tanning the epidermis, or top layer of your skin, basically dulls the "glass" through which your tattoo shines. The tattoo ink is injected into the dermis, the second layer of skin, where the cells that create the golden tan color also live. Tanning goes on top of the ink, making the colors appear dull.  No need for special tanning sunscreen, by the way. It comes in a convenient stick, but is made of the same ingredients as any sunscreen. 
Watch out for hot tubs It might be fun, but too much time in the pool or hot tub, which are treated with chlorine, could pull color from your tats. That’s not to say you can't swim or soak it up a little. Just don't stay in too long and be sure to immediately wash and dry off after. 
Overall skin care As the largest human organ, skin needs care and attention to stay smooth and healthy. Taking care of the entire body, and not just the tattooed area, will keep you and your tattoo bright and happy longer. Good skin shows off your artwork at its finest, so be sure to regularly use a moisturizer.