A walk on the beach, whether fast, slow or in-between, keeps your mind and body sharp and alive. Take a companion or go on your own. Either way, the beach is a great place to renew your spirit.
People hit the gym or the pavement to keep their bodies fit. Experts say you can take the same workout approach to maintain your mind. Check out these seven ways to keep your brain active and sharp
1. Fuel with food Eating right includes making sure you eat enough without overdoing it. Focus on foods that are high in fiber with reasonable doses of fat and protein as part of a low glycemic diet. The body breaks down these foods more slowly than white starches and sweets. And don’t forget fish. Omega 3 and other essential fatty acids are found in fish and credited with a netful of health benefits. Mix up the way you get omega 3 by feasting on certain fish such as salmon, grass-fed animals and flax seeds.
2. Sip some coffee Coffee, according to research, drops the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 30-60 percent. That’s because of the caffeine, which boosts the neuronal firing in the brain and improves memory.
3. Keep active physically Obesity, hypertension and Type 2 diabetes all mess with your mind. At least 30 minutes a day of low-impact aerobic exercise will help you think more clearly, learn more quickly and feel better mentally.
4. Keep active mentally Brain exercises also help. Learn something new every day. Regularly work puzzles such as sudoku, jigsaw and crossword. A ton of smartphone apps are available to get your synapsis snapping.
5. Skedaddle the supplements Save money by avoiding supplements and brain pills (melatonin and ginkgo). They often come with side effects such as depression, digestive trouble, high blood pressure and fertility issues. Focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet to keep your brain firing on all cylinders.
6. Keep calm News flash: Stress is bad for the brain. That’s not breaking news, and neither is striving for a stable lifestyle. Having an active social life and adding activities such as yoga and meditation diminishes stress.
7. Go to bed Enough sleep benefits the mind. That’s when our brains choose which events to save. A rested mind also learns new things much more easily.