Use bright lights and keep your space pristine when showing to potential buyers. The more appealing you make your home, the more value it will command.
It might be a seller's market, but every little bit of improvement to your home can mean more money in your pocket come closing time. Of course, once you're done, the place will look and feel so good that you won't want to move!
1. Clean and declutter
Rooms look more spacious once you've boxed up all the odds and ends and tossed out the battered furniture.
2. Do a deep clean
Focus on baseboards, grout and heating vents. Clean carpets and wash windows and walls. Dust blinds and ceiling fans. You might want to hire a professional cleaning service for this one.
4. Eliminate odors
If you can smell it, you can't sell it! Wash all the bedding and shampoo the carpets, especially if you have pets. Smokers might need professional help.
5. Spruce up the yard
Nothing extravagant, just a mow and trim and get rid of all the trash and yard waste. Plant a few flowers or greenery in bare spots.
6. Paint your walls
If painting to sell, go with white ceilings and off-white or beige walls with white baseboards. Rooms will look cleaner and bigger.
7. Hang fresh curtains and blinds
If your window coverings are looking even a little frayed, replace them with new ones. Go with solid, light colors to brighten the room.
8. Use a brighter bulb
Don't go over the recommended wattage but use the highest you safely can to brighten rooms even more.
9. Add wood trim and cornice
Armchair railing and ceiling trim painted a high-gloss white against neutral, flat walls provides a cheap and easy “wow” factor.
10. Double check your square footage
Homes sell by the square foot. Be sure you know exactly what yours is before putting your home on the market.