Make a check list, prioritize tasks and decisions and mark them off as you go to keep your home improvement project organized.
These four easy steps make it easy for you to launch your next home improvement project.
STEP 1 Assess your needs
Start with an assessment of your home's needs by listing all the repairs you've been meaning to do, but keep putting off. Visit HomeGain.com and download a copy of the site's Home Sale Maximizer™ check lists and charts. These tools can help you organize the work needed to improve the sale value of your greatest asset. The free maximizer is used by Realtors across the nation and can be focused on the local market concerns in your ZIP code.
STEP 2 Prioritize
Prioritize your list and begin individual check lists of the tools and services you'll need. Online at HomeGain.com, you can click through a list of links that provide an individual check list for key areas of your home such as carpet and floors, plumbing and electrical, yard, lighting and kitchen and bathrooms. You can also print out a version to attach to a clipboard and use walking through your house.
STEP 3 Get started
Once you decide where to start, just do it! Check off each item on the list as you go. The real trick here is knowing when you can do it yourself or when you should call in an expert (assuming you're not one already!). A look at the sliding scale on page four of the online printable brochure gives you an estimate of how much you could gain in sale value with a little expenditure in expert repairs.
For example, repairing damaged floors, an expenditure of about $750, could mean a 250 percent return on your investment by increasing the home's value by as much as $2,000. Spending $1,500 updating your kitchen could mean a 237 percent return on investment by increasing the value up to $3,000.
STEP 4 Find an expert
If you're looking for help with the work, you can start your search right here in the 101CorpusChristi.com Home Improvement Guide. From garage-door repair to carpet cleaning to roofing, the companies listed here are the best in local home improvement experts. They know the special needs and concerns of the climate and the market in the Coastal Bend. They are best equipped to help you make the most on your home investment.
Happy home improvement!