Emotional responses to situations that arise in a divorce case can be kept to a minimum with good legal representation. Find the best divorce attorneys in Corpus Christi at 101corpuschristi.com/LEGAL.

Emotional responses to situations that arise in a divorce case can be kept to a minimum with good legal representation. Find the best divorce attorneys in Corpus Christi at 101corpuschristi.com/LEGAL.

Statistically, fifty percent of all married couples end up in divorce court. The divorce family law attorney you hire knows all the common mistakes couples seeking to dissolve a relationship often make and can prevent you from doing the same. Get a head start on getting it right by finding out what you could face in the future.
1. Filing first
Who files for divorce first could give that person a distinct advantage in how the case unfolds. This should be the first question you ask your attorney when considering a divorce.
2. Deciding to move
Men most commonly make the mistake of moving out of the family home and then end up paying rent on a new place and supporting the spouse's household as well. The only time you can be forced to move out is if things become abusive verbally or physically. It won't be easy to stay put, but it will certainly be cost-effective. It also can be a help to confused and distressed kids and advantageous when deciding the question of legal custody.
3. Emotional responses
An attorney can help you keep your cool in stressful situations. Don't give your spouse a reason to file for an order of protection or have you legally removed from your home. This just costs money and increases tension.  However, if your spouse is abusing you or your children, discuss your options with your attorney.
4. Deposition preparation
When giving a deposition, you need to be prepared with short, factual answers with which only a lawyer can help you. With an attorney present, you are less likely to be provoked and more likely to stay on point. An attorney can help you plot strategy and be more confident.
5. Financial pitfalls
A marriage is also a business economic arrangement that needs to be dissolved and divided up. An attorney can help you keep track of your finances, your statement of income, expenses and property, which all become part of the court record and will be used to determine child and spousal support. Not doing this properly can be a costly mistake.
6. Temporary rulings 
Temporary court orders dealing with property or with children tend to become permanent, so be sure you are comfortable with anything a judge is about to rule. An attorney can help you get the best decision in the first place, preventing temporary court orders with disadvantageous provisions from becoming permanent.