Energy Star is a volunteer program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency designed to save money and protect the environment. Appliances with the Energy Star label are built to run more efficiently, using minimum electricity.
When you make your home more energy efficient, government programs and even utilities can help you cut the costs by providing rebates and incentives. Here are six programs you can tap for energy savings in Corpus Christi:
1. The American Electric Power (AEP) Texas Central Co. offers incentives to air-conditioning distributors that provide and promote the use of high-efficiency air conditioners.
2. The Hard-to-Reach Standard Offer Program developed by AEP encourages upgrades and energy-efficient improvements to residences with annual incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.
3. The Residential Standard Offer Program gives incentives when a resident installs an energy efficiency measure through an approved contractor or energy services company.
4. People looking to stay cool this year might want to check out AEP Texas Central’s CoolSaver A/C Tune-Up Program, which offers incentives to air-conditioner providers and residents for tuning up air conditioners and correcting air-flow problems.
5. The Targeted Weatherization Program helps out residents at or below the 200 percent federal poverty guidelines through community nonprofits that help out with energy efficiency matters.
6. The SMART Source Solar PV Program provides incentives for residents hooking up solar panels to help offset the initial costs.