The right color paint and lighting can make even your smallest room look bigger and brighter.
Very few factors have as big an impact on home value than square footage. Small houses — and in particular, small rooms — can be hard to furnish and design. But that doesn’t mean you have to tear down walls to solve your size issue. Here are a few ways you can make your smalls spaces look and feel bigger.
1. The right colors
A general rule to follow when trying to convert your smaller space into a seemingly larger living area is the lighter the better. From bright white to muted cream, certain colors create an optical illusion of sorts that help make rooms look brighter and bigger. Lighter colors are more reflective and bounce natural sunlight through the room. Dark colors absorb light and give off a more closed-in appearance. Adding brightly colored art pieces and decorations complements your wall color, amplifying the openness of the room.
2. Lighting is key
In addition to the right colors, lighting can play a big role in visually boosting your living space. Natural light is best, obviously, but you can amplify a room even without windows. Choose lamps or recess lighting with a unique structural design to brighten a room with a modern touch. Be sure to choose high-wattage bulbs for optimum lighting. If there is any way to add a window or a skylight to your room, this will be your best bet, helping connect your interior to the outdoors.
3. Clean it up
Have you ever walked into a room full of clutter and commented on just how much space there was? Not likely. De-cluttering your small room – and keeping it that way – is a great strategy for adding extra space. If you’re short on storage in your room, you can build shelves for extra space. Moving things from the floor to the walls will open up walking space and keep your room clutter-free.