Look for the latest issue of the Corpus Christi Business News in a news stand near you! And don’t forget to grab a Corpus Christi Area-Wide Telephone and Internet Directory while you’re at it.
Look for Corpus Christi Business News news stands around the city this month as distribution of the city’s newest business publication expands. The monthly will continue to be mailed free to 10,000 businesses in the city, as it has for the past year.
Now in its second year, Corpus Christi Business News will strengthen its connection to the city’s business community, highlighting the owners, employees and businesses that keep the region’s economic engines humming.
“Our targeted audience has been the Corpus Christi business community,” owner Dan Alvey said. “Now we are making the publication more readily available to the public through news stand distribution.”
The publication is still free, said Alvey, owner and CEO of Texas Publishing, Co., the parent company for the Corpus Christi Area-Wide Telephone and Internet Directory, 101 Fun Things to do in Corpus Christi, 101corpuschristi.com and the Business News.
The publications all have two main focuses, he added.
“We not only provide effective advertising vehicles both online and in print, we are telling the story of Corpus Christi," he said. "We are a proud part of the Corpus Christi community and we celebrate the success of our fellow business people.”
In the May issue, readers will find stories on:
• CC Foundation Repair, a company that stabilizes homes falling prey to shifting coastal sands;
• Command Center, a temporary staffing service expanding to include hospitality workers;
• Mattress Exxpress, an Aransas Pass business celebrating five years of providing a quality sleep;
• Mindgames Computer Repair, a long-time service that successfully changed hands a few years ago to become a customer favorite;
• Randy Russell Insurance, the success story of an insurance broker who branched out on his own and now has multiple offices throughout the region;
News stories take a look at the new red snapper fishing rules and upcoming events, including Lemonade Day, which builds young entrepreneurs. Readers will also find out about the success of the city’s first Fiesta de la Flor Selena celebration and how the Friends of La Retama Park successfully put the grass back in upcoming renovation plans.
Find out where to volunteer, where to go have fun and what’s blooming at the South Texas Botanical Gardens, all in the May issue of Corpus Christi Business News — at a news stand near you.