Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Corpus Christi) greets constituents at a groundbreaking ceremony in his hometown May 4. Courtesy Photo

Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Corpus Christi) greets constituents at a groundbreaking ceremony in his hometown May 4. Courtesy Photo

Congressman Blake Farenthold (R-Corpus Christi) will be in town this week, with five round-table discussions scheduled across three days.
The first of two meetings on Tuesday, May 5, will begin at 11 a.m. at the American Legion Hall Post 365 at 5323 Kostoryz Road. On his Facebook page, the representative said he will discuss news about VA reforms. 
Last Thursday, Congress passed a bill focusing resources on VA medical care, mental health care, suicide prevention, traumatic brain injury and aid to homeless vets. 
"Learn more about this bill at my Veterans Round Table in Corpus Christi on Tuesday," he wrote on his Facebook page. "Stop by if you have the time."
At 4 p.m. May 5, he will be at Portland City Hall in Portland, 1900 Billy G. Webb Drive. This and the other town halls will focus on "everything happening in and around the 27th Congressional District," he said.
Also on Tuesday, the Congressman will attend a ceremony honoring the winner of the 2015 Congressional Art Competition from the 27th District in South Texas. The ceremonies are planned for 2 p.m. at CalAllen High School, 4001 Wildcat Drive.
On Wednesday, May 6, Farenthold will face constituents at 12:30 p.m. in the Port Aransas City Hall at 710 W. Ave. A. 
Later that evening, he will hold a 6 p.m. round-table in Corpus Christi at the Garden SeniorCenter at 5325 Greely Drive.
Today, May 4, he attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the Behavioral Health Center of Nueces County's new day center. The center will offer therapeutic activities for adults with serious mental illnesses.