Captains on MyTeam Triumph: Wings of Texas in Corpus Christi with angels (from left) Laura Flores and daughter, Sara Flores, 5; Michelle and Rusty Jones and son, Charlie Jones, 16; and Maj. Anthony Navarrette and Lori Longoria, 18. Staff Photo
For the past year, Corpus Christi’s athletic endurance events have had some fresh faces on the scene. The local chapter of MyTeam Triumph: Wings of Texas has made it possible for disabled athletes to suit up for 5K and 10K runs, and even a few triathlons.
The athletes, who typically use wheelchairs for mobility, serve as captains. They are teamed up with abled angels who have traded in their wings for running shoes. The captains lead the charge in their specially equipped endurance wheelchairs, while the angels provide the power to push their leaders to the finish line.
The Wings of Texas team recently celebrated its first anniversary as an organization that promotes healthy living and brings big smiles to the special-needs community by providing them with a means to participate in local endurance events.
“I like to go fast!” said Lori Longoria, an 18-year-old captain who has been on a team for 10 months. Her family loves that being on the team offers her a regular opportunity to meet people and have new experiences.
Five-year-old Sara Flores shares her enthusiasm.
“On my first race, I got to go over the Harbor Bridge,” she beamed. Sara’s mom, Laura Flores, serves as her daughter’s angel. While families are prevalent members of the organization, many team captains and angels meet for the first time.
Some of the captains are minimally verbal, but as one parent explained, “You don’t really need words when you see the joy on their faces during the race and especially when they pass over the finish line.”
A large number of Corpus Christi’s angels are U.S. Marines stationed in the area for flight training.
“These Marines participating as volunteers for MyTeam Triumph make the perfect marriage,” said Maj. Anthony Navarrette of the U.S. Marine Corp. Navarrette is vice president of the local chapter. “The Marines are 24 to 25 (years old). They are fit, and they get along great with the kids. And as officers, this type of involvement teaches them about getting involved in their community wherever they are stationed. It builds their leadership skills.”
The captains proudly earn medals for their participation in each event. And while the endurance events are fun and fit for everyone involved, participation also brings awareness and promotes inclusion of the special-needs community.
The local chapter got its start just over a year ago when its founders, Michelle and Rusty Jones, decided they wanted to start leading healthier lifestyles. Without any prior experience, they began participating in running events.
While at an event in Austin surrounded by hardcore runners, the couple was impressed by a group of participants in endurance wheelchairs being pushed by participating runners.
The Jones’ 16-year-old son, Charlie, has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair. For them, this was a great opportunity to do something as a family. As it turned out, it also was a wonderful opportunity for other local families with special-needs relatives.
The organization kicked off its inaugural run in April 2014 with just two captains and three angels. Today, 56 captains regularly participate along with 198 angels. The ages of team captains span from 3 to 59. The captains, angels and their fans sport some spiffy team shirts with an ultra-cool custom logo.
The organization also has a strong digital media presence with a fresh new website and a Facebook page with about 3,500 likes and counting!
The leadership of Wings of Texas is excited and inspired by the organization’s success.
“Participation in local events has been so successful,” Michelle Jones told Corpus Christi Business News, “We would like to raise enough funds to send some of our captains to events outside of the state. Some of our members don’t ever leave Corpus Christi, let alone the state.”
The Wings of Texas team relies on the donations of supporters and fundraisers to provide special endurance wheelchairs, the event medals and any other costs necessary to ensure that any disabled athlete who wants to can participate as a captain.
Information and applications to volunteer, donate or become a captain can be found on the team’s website at www.mtt-wingsoftexas.org. You also may call 361-834-6545 or email Michelle Jones at mjones@mtt-wingsoftexas.org.