Applying is easy and can be done online and anytime, says city secretary Rebecca Huerta, who sends out a list each month of which of the city’s 510 seats on boards, commissions and committees are vacant. The list is also available at serve.cctexas.com. The council considers and appoints applicants at the first board meeting of the month. The next opportunity is June 9. Applications are accepted right up until the council votes.
“There’s no set deadline,” Huerta said. “We try to make it as flexible as possible for the citizen.”
All positions are on a voluntary basis. And while a few require applicants have backgrounds in fields such as engineering or architecture, most are open to any citizen interested in sharing his or her time and ideas, Huerta said. Boards and commissions provide citizen input to the council on subjects from art to building regulations to ethics and beyond.
“We are looking for that really important citizen input so the city council is not making decisions in a vacuum,” Huerta said. “These boards and commissions are giving council valuable input from citizens about what’s important that they want to see changed out there. It’s a very vital part of our community to have these boards.”
It also can be a challenge to keep them filled as people rotate off. That city challenge translates to a plus for residents of Corpus Christi looking for a way to make a difference.
“From a citizen’s standpoint, Corpus Christi offers a lot of different ways to et involved in the community,” Huerta said.
To apply for any of the positions below, go to the city of Corpus Christi’s website at serve.cctexas.com. You also may submit an application and résumè to the city secretary’s office via fax at (361) 826-3113 or via email at tamerar@cctexas.com.
The city secretary’s office is currently seeking biographical information forms for the following boards:
Advisory Committee on Community Pride
One vacancy with term to Aug. 25, 2016. The committee advises the mayor and city council on development and implementation of a comprehensive community pride campaign that will interrelate with the efforts and purpose of the Clean City Advisory Committee.
Building Code Board of Appeals
Three vacancies with terms to May 4, 2017, representing the following categories: general contractor, building industry and architect. The board shall have the power to hear individual appeals of decisions and interpretations of the building official on rulings and alternate materials and methods of construction and consider individual variances of the City Building Code, Existing Building Code, Residential Construction Code, Flood Hazard Prevention Code and Energy Conservation Code. Furthermore, the BCBOA shall have the power, after having obtained public comment, to recommend to the city council changes to the City Building Code, Existing Building Code, Residential Construction Code, Flood Hazard Prevention Code and Energy Conservation Code.
Civil Service Board
One vacancy with term to June 15, 2018. The board adopts, amends and enforces a code of rules and regulations providing for appointment, employment or suspension in all positions in the classified service based upon citizenship, character, merit, efficiency and industry, which shall have the force and effect of law; and also rules regulating promotions, demotions, reduction of force of employees in the classified service and in what order they shall be dismissed and reinstated.
Civil Service Commission (for firefighters and police officers only)
One vacancy with term to June 15, 2018. The commission adopts, amends and enforces a code of rules and regulations providing for appointment, employment or suspension in all positions in the classified service based upon citizenship, character, merit, efficiency and industry, which shall have the force and effect of law; and also, rules regulating promotions, demotions, reduction of force of employees in the classified service and in what order they shall be dismissed and reinstated. With additional duty as outlined under Chapter 143, Texas Local Government Code.
Clean City Advisory Committee
One vacancy with term to July 8, 2015, representing the community at large. The committee advises the city council on recycling, litter and other solid waste environmental issues of concern in the community.
Community Youth Development (78415) Program Steering Committee
Nine vacancies with terms to Aug. 31, 2016, and Aug. 31, 2017, representing the following categories: five residents of the 78415 ZIP code and four at-large. The committee advises the city council on a periodic basis of the progress regarding the Community Youth Development Program.
Corpus Christi Community Improvement Corporation/Loan Review Committee
Eight vacancies with terms to May 7, 2017, and May 7, 2018, representing the following categories: three community at-large; one financial institution; one real estate agency; one engineer; one architect/homebuilder; and one legal profession. The committee reviews and approves loan applications submitted through the various loan programs.
Ethics Commission
One vacancy with term to Oct. 1, 2017. The commission, in addition to having jurisdiction over complaints involving any city official, is to prepare and publish pamphlets and other materials explaining the duties of individuals subject to the code of ethics; review all statements and reports filed with the city; annually review the code of ethics and make appropriate recommendations to the city council; review all public opinions related to the code of ethics that are issued by the city attorney; prepare and disseminate a report listing all campaign contributions and expenditures for each candidate within 30 days after the deadline for filing the last campaign finance reports for each city council election.
Food Service Advisory Committee
Two vacancies with terms to June 24, 2018, representing the local food manager from the food service or food-processing industries. The committee advises the director of health on application of ordinances regarding food and food establishments, reviews the permit fees annually to ensure the cost of the program is returned to the city and conduct hearings pursuant to the sections of the ordinance relating to revocations and to make written recommendations to the city health officer whether to revoke or suspend a food manager’s permit.
Human Relations Commission
Six vacancies with terms to June 14, 2018, representing the following categories: three youth who shall not be more than 20 years of age at time of appointment; one representative of rental dwellings; and two at-large. The commission studies problems of group relationships within the city and devises and recommends to the mayor and city council ways and means of discouraging and combating prejudice, intolerance and bigotry in all groups in their relations with one another; to discover all practices and policies calculated to create conflicts and tensions and to recommend ways and means of eliminating any unfair or unjust discrimination by or against any person or group.
Mechanical/Plumbing Advisory Board
One vacancy with term to Jan. 2, 2017, for a person with at least five years of active experience in landscape irrigation and is licensed as an irrigator by the state of Texas. The board advises the city manager regarding any matter in the mechanical, plumbing and irrigation fields that it considers should be brought to the attention of the city council. The board also makes recommendations to the city council regarding changes to the City Fuel Gas, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes.
Museum of Science and History Advisory Board
One vacancy with term to Dec. 11, 2015, representing a member of one of the following fields: K-12 education, higher education or the business community. The board serves as an advisor to the museum department and to the city council in matters of support and development of the museum. The board may adopt comprehensive policies relating to the following: management of collections; acquisitions for the collections; disposition and the de-acquisition of objects in and for the collection; use of museum facilities.
Oil and Gas Advisory Committee
Six vacancies with terms to Dec. 31, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2017, representing the following categories: two general public not connected with the oil and gas industry, two in the oil and gas well industry; one alternate general public; and one alternate oil and gas well industry. Alternate members serve in the absence of the public or oil and gas well industry member who is absent. The committee shall make a continuing study of operations for the exploration, drilling and production of oil, gas and minerals and the possible effects of same upon the environment, public health, safety and general welfare of the city.
Pipeline Review Panel
Five vacancies with terms to May 8, 2016, four with technical expertise in the construction, maintenance or operation of pipelines, at least one of which shall have emergency management experience and one shall be a community representative. The panel will hold hearings and render decisions on any substantive, non-resolvable technical issues that may occur regarding the intent to construct new pipelines.
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Advisory Committee
Five vacancies with terms to June 16, 2016, and June 16, 2017, representing the following categories: one Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Volunteer workstation representative (executive, director or similar leadership position at a non-profit agency that operates a RSVP volunteer station) and four at-large. The committee advises the city council, city manager and parks department staff regarding the RSVP including but not limited to recruitment strategies; providing support in recruitment of volunteers and volunteer stations; serves as community advocates and liaisons; assists in development of non-federal resources to include fundraising and other duties related to the RSVP.
Senior Companion Program Advisory Committee
Four vacancies with terms to June 16, 2017, all at-large. The committee advises the city council, city manager and parks department staff regarding the Senior Companion Program (SCP) including but not limited to recruitment strategies; provide support in recruitment of volunteers and volunteer stations; serve as community advocates and liaisons; assist in development of non-federal resources to include fundraising; advise on programming for impact; advise on how to measure trends and impact of trends in the community; assist with development and implementation of program evaluations and surveys; conduct an annual assessment of the program by surveying program volunteers; bi-annually assess project accomplishments and impact; and attend special events and activities related to the SCP.
Sister City Committee
Four vacancies with terms to Sept. 1, 2015, Sept. 1, 2016, and Sept. 1, 2017. The committee studies ways and means of improving relations with the Corpus Christi Sister Cities and to advise and consult with and assist the mayor, the city council, the city manager and all other city agencies, boards and officials in accomplishing the purposes of the Sister City Program.