If you didn’t get a copy of the Corpus Christi Business News in the mail, come by the office or read the digital version in the right had column on this page.
Meetings to discuss possible civil rights violations concerning the building of the new Harbor Bridge have begun, along with a national search for a new chamber president in Corpus Christi. Read all about that and more, including the return the Texas State Aquarium’s two bottlenose dolphins, in the latest issue of Corpus Christi Business News.
You’ll also find stories about the city’s mosquito spraying schedule and a new social media marketing program available through Texas Publishing, the parent company that owns this newspaper, the Corpus Christi Area-Wide Telephone and Internet Directory and the new Corpus Christi Living magazine.
Local businesses highlighted include:
• Attorney Bobby Bourlon, this month’s Spotlight on Success;
• Eagle Lock & Key, which has entered the digital age of security;
• Gill Roofing, now celebrating 70 years in business;
• Curt Hills, Corpus Christi’s automobile whisperer;
• Discount Air Conditioning, whose owners cool off homes and heat up area stages;
• Da Beer Shack, a bar purchased and rejuvenated by its most popular patrons; and
• Therapy First, which has expanded its geriatric services and added Pilates.
You’ll also find a new Events listings that explains about the new online interactive Events at 101corpuschristi.com/EVENTS. The most comprehensive and complete events listings in the city, 101corpuschristi.com/EVENTS offers the ability to add any event instantly and easily to your computer or smartphone calendar. With the click of a button, you can also send events to your friends and family and start planning your next memories.
Corpus Christi Business News is mailed free of charge to 10,000 businesses in Corpus Christi and on display in racks at select sites. You can also read the issue online by clicking on the digital flip book in the right hand column of this page.
Or come get one at our offices at 4455 SPID, Ste. 4 in the Commerce Business Park between Weber and Everhart. Happy reading!