Dr. Philip Rhoades (left), professor of criminal justice at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, and Justin DeBouvier, 22, a political science major and student-worker at a recent health fair in the Ortiz Center in Corpus Christi. Rhodes is head of the Nueces County Safe Communities Campaign. Photo by Carrie Robertson Meyer/Third Coast Photo
Corpus Christi is the drunkest city in Texas, according to a recent study by the news website 24/7 Wall Street. That distinction, which is bolstered by the number of alcohol-related accidents reported in the city, is what Dr. Phillip Rhodes at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi wants to change. He’s been working at educating drivers about the dangers of drunken and distracted driving for 17 years as part of the Nueces County Safe Driving Public Education Campaign.
Also known as the Safe Communities Campaign, Rhodes and two student hires each year produce public education literature for distribution at health and safety fairs, schools and other organizations across the Coastal Bend.
“We do presentations at Del Mar College, high schools, all over, about safe driving, seat belts, child safety seats, bicycle safety,” Rhodes said. “The hot topics of course are drunk driving and texting while driving.”
According to numbers on 247wallstreet.com, about 16 percent of Texas adults reported heavy or binge drinking. More than one-fourth of all adults in Corpus Christi report drinking to excess on a regular basis, a higher share than in all but three other U.S. cities.
That statistic is what has led to the highest percentage of alcohol-related drivings deaths, which is currently at 33.1 percent. In 2014, 35 percent of all fatalities were related to drunken driving. The statewide rate is at 29 percent.
The Safe Communities Campaign, which strives to bring down that number, is funded by the Texas Department of Transportation. In November, TxDOT staged a statewide social media campaign called #endthestreak aimed at ending a streak of more than 5,500 consecutive days of at least one fatality on Texas highways.
Corpus Christi has its fair share of those fatalities, with the highest proportion connected to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, Rhodes said.
“We’ve had 10 years in a row of a higher proportion of fatalities related to drunk driving than the rest of the state has had,” Rhodes said. “We don’t outpace other cities, but we have the highest county rate.”
According to 24/7 Wall Street, Nueces County has the highest rate of arrests for alcohol-related crimes in the state as well as a higher level of adults in treatment than elsewhere in the state. It also reports a higher level of death because of alcohol-induced liver disease.
“There is a fairly significant alcohol consumption culture in Corpus Christi that contributes to the rate of deaths due to drunk driving,” Rhodes said. “It’s got to be turned around by public education and law enforcement combined.”
Especially during the holiday season, people should be more aware — and realistic — about how much they have had to drink, he said.
“If you are going to a party and are planning to drink, make arrangements for a sober person to drive you home.” Rhodes said. “Find an alternate to being drunk and getting into the car and driving. We are trying to put into people’s consciousness the thought that, ‘If I’m drinking, I am not in a car driving.’ If they can’t do that, then we want to catch them before they injure or kill someone.”
For tips on holiday safety from the Corpus Christi Police Department, click here.