The welding program at Del Mar College received 30 million tons of seamless steel pipe that will provide materials for five semesters of student training. The pipe was donated by TPCO in partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission.

The welding program at Del Mar College received 30 million tons of seamless steel pipe that will provide materials for five semesters of student training. The pipe was donated by TPCO in partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission.

A giant pink bow on a rusty steel pipe signified an early Christmas present from TPCO America Corporation to Del Mar College recently. The pipe manufacturing company from China, presented 30 metric tons of seamless steel pipe to the college’s welding program. The pipe will be used in training students for jobs in the Coastal Bend. 
In a statement, TPCO said the donation was to "promote workforce development while supporting local educational institutions in preparing students for success in the workforce."
TPCO gave an additional 30 metric tons of steel pipe to the Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend and Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. All 60 tons of metal are worth about $70,000 and represent around 10 semesters of classes: five for each school. 
“Our partnership with TPCO American corporation illustrates how Del Mar College responds to industry's workforce needs,” said DMC president Marck Escamilla. “TPCO America’s support for educational development helps DMC offer our students prime training opportunitiess for successful careers with international companies that located here in South Texas.” 
The gift will enable Del Mar welding and other metallurgic majors to refine their skills. At the TAMU-CC training center, high school and adult welding students will use the steel in advanced welding courses. The focus will be on building artificial reefs and applying an electric field that could attract sea life. The work is expected to expand marine life in the Gulf of Mexicao, which serves as a vital resource for tourism and commercial fisheries. 
“This is a great effort at developing, educating and coordinating workforce efforts in the Coastal Bend,
 Texas State Rep. Todd Hunter said at the presentation Dec. 10. 
TPCO has been in a partnership with Del Mar college and the Texas Workforce Commission since October 2013. At the time, TPCO presented Del Mar with a $117,223 Skills Development Fund to cover customized training for 74 new workers in pipe manufacturing. 
TPCO is a Chinese-backed manufacturing operation that produces about 500,000 metric tons of seamless steel pipe, primarily for the energy industry. Tianjin Pipe Corporation is currently investing about $1 billion into the TPCO facility just east of Gregory — the single largest investment in the U.S. by a Chinese-backed company.