“It’s Time Texas Community Challenge” encourages everyone to make Texas and Texans healthier.
Sticking with your resolution to make this year the fittest and healthiest ever — through the whole year — takes motivation. Get fit — and stay motivated — by helping turn the city’s reputation for an unhealthy population around. In 2010, Men’s Health Magazine deemed Corpus Christi the fattest city in the US. The mayor is challenging residents to get together to move from the fattest to the fittest.
The Mayor’s Fitness Council promotes “Living Health” for all residents, with programs for physical activity like bike rides, the Harbor BridgeWalk, 5K charity runs and more. Now, the council encourages us to join our city in a statewide competition for better health. The “It’s Time Texas Community Challenge” rewards communities that demonstrate the greatest commitment to healthy living.
Communities are broken down into five categories based on size of population, from “metro” to “extra small.” Corpus Christi falls into the “metro” category for 2015. So far it is in second place with 41,260 points, just behind San Antonio, with 44,310 points. The 2015 winner will be announced this spring — but now’s the time to start earning points for 2016!
Starting on on January 1, participants can earn points to represent their community. The 2016 winners will be announced March 31 2017. The winner of each category is awarded a trophy and a banner, but that’s not all. Winners will also receive a check for $1,200 to fund a healthy project at a local school.
To earn points, you simply track your healthy activity online at ittcommunitychallenge.com. Activity can be as simple as taking a healthy selfie (worth 200 points)! Registering alone will earn your community 50 points.
Individuals, schools, businesses, churches, mayors and more can take part — the bigger the organization, the more points for each healthy activity.
The It’s Texas Community Challenge is presented by H-E-B, BlueCross BlueShield of Texas, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and the RGK Foundation.