Lucas Lopez, owner of Cosmic Comics Toys N Hobbies in Corpus Christi is just one of many Hispanic business owners in the city. Photo by Carrie Robertson/Third Coast Photo
Lucas Lopez turned his hobby into a business. The owner of Cosmic Comics Toys N Hobbies in Corpus Christi, Lopez has long been an avid collector of all things comic book. He compares his love for comics to an addiction — one he wants to make pay off by turning it into a successful business
“When you drink, you get that buzz and the music inspires you to get up and let go,” he told Corpus Christi Business News. “With comics, you can’t wait to read the next story. It’s addicting, and that’s when you become a collector of many, many stories.”
Lopez opened Cosmic Comics in August, filling it with vintage comics, memorabilia and an old-school comics vibe. The store offers a full line of hobby-related items, including radio cars, drones, model building sets and collectable items such as Hot Wheels and action figures.
Along with the newest in tech toys, the store maintains a stock of old favorites that lends it a touch of nostalgia while keeping in tune with the future.
“I have a house phone from the ’90s in here, cord and all,” he said. “It’s shaped like a race car. A little kid came in and asked what the cord was — he thought it was a toy. He had no concept of a landline. It was phenomenal.”
While Lopez does get a lot of kids in his store, he stresses that comics aren’t just for young boys and men. A lot of his clientele are women, which he credits to the comic book industry’s latest focus on appealing to a wider female audience.
Classic characters such as Sabrina, Tank Girl and Wonder Woman are experiencing a revival, while some lesser-known characters are headed to the big screen. Lopez’s favorite comic book character at the moment is Harley Quinn, who will be featured in the upcoming movie “Suicide Squad,” set to be released this August.
Comics in general have experienced a boom in the film and TV industry with adaptations and sequels ranking as some of the biggest summer blockbusters of the past decade. Eight comic-centric movies are due to hit the theaters this year alone.
Lopez is especially looking forward to the release of the movie “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” set for release in March. He expects the storyline to lead to even more spinoffs for other characters in the Justice League and Death Squad, bringing in even more customers to his store as the popularity in comic-based movies and TV shows continues to rise.
Operating a comic book store is not all about the superheroes, arch-villains or extensive inventory, however. Customer service is huge for Lopez. He takes the time to get a feel for each customer’s likes and needs, a talent developed from his first store, which he opened in the early ’90s.
“Twenty years ago, an 11-year-old walked in without any idea about comic books and only $14 in his pocket,” Lopez said. “He said he wanted ‘Superman,’ but back then, ‘Superman’ was real expensive. I had a ‘Superman’ trade paperback worth $30, and I let him have it.”
The kid was inspired, and today he is up-and-coming comic book writer Fabian Rangel Jr., author of “Extinct,” a series about werewolves vs. teens published by 215 Ink.
For inspiration, comics, toys and more, check out Cosmic Comics Toys N Hobbies at 11101 Leopard St., Suite 3A, in Corpus Christi. Call (361) 504-4556 or follow the store at facebook.com/cctoysnhobbies.