Have fun in Corpus Christi between playing at the beach and soaking up the sun. Photo by Carrie Robertson Meyer/Third Coast Photo
Have an adventure in Corpus Christi this Spring Break. For a list of exciting events to attend between playing at the beach and soaking up the sun, check out the Events calendar at 101corpuschristi.com/EVENTS. Touch or click on the Add to Favorites button on your computer or smart phone and email events to family and friends for instant party planning. You can even add them directly to your calendar from your most convenient device!
HEB Splash Park
The HEB Splash Park at the Texas State Aquarium is a zero-depth play area with spray jets, water cannons and more fun and interactive features. The park is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. The aquarium is located at 2710 N. Shoreline Blvd. in Corpus Christi. Visit texasstateaquarium.org or call (800) 477-GULF for more information.
Owen’s Paleo Park
Also at the Texas State Aquarium, dig for fossils at Owen’s Paleo Park. Use tools to unearth ancient animals the giant ground sloth and the saber toothed cat that roamed the Coastal Bend 13,000 years ago. The Owen’s Paleo Park is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. The aquarium is located at 2710 N. Shoreline Blvd in Corpus Christi. Visit texasstateaquarium.org or call (800) 477-GULF for more information.
Ritz Food Park
If you’re hungry in a hurry and want something unique, be sure to visit Corpus Christi’s new home for food trucks. The Ritz Food Park is a brand new outdoor dining area for food trucks located in the Marina Arts District. Every Friday and Saturday through March 19, a different selection of food trucks will be set up. Find them in the Ritz Theatre parking lot at 715 N Chaparral St in Corpus Christi. Visit marinaarts.com for more information.
Oso Bay Adventure Week
Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve & Learning Center is hosting a special week of day camps, guided nature walks, animal feedings, family yoga, story time and more! Many of the events are open to the public, but pre-registration is required (or strongly encouraged) for a few of the group events. Register online here by March 4. For more information, email manuelc2@cctexas.com or call 361-826-3947. To take part in the festivities, meet at 2446 N. Oso Parkway in Corpus Christi.
St. Patrick’s Day Block Festival
The Marina Arts District hosts it’s 4th annual block party for St. Patrick’s day! The party features 12 live bands, Irish dancers, an Irish marching band (with bag pipes!) as well as vendors selling food, art and other local goods. The whole family is welcome. The festivities go from March 12 to13 and are held at 300 Peoples Street in Corpus Christi. Visit marinaarts.com for more information.
March 11
Around the World Bowl-A-Thon
You don’t need to be good at bowling—just enthusiastic! Gather a team of five and meet at the bowling alley for two games. Each bowler receives an official Bowl-A-Thon T-shirt and shoe rentals. The event will be held at Bowlero Corpus Christi, 6116 Ayers St. For more information, visit the website or contact Jayne Woodall at (361) 884-6561.
March 12
Kids Discover Reptile Amphibians!
Texas Master Naturalist Chad Huckabee teaches kids about habits and habitats of frogs, toads, iguanas, turtles, tortoises and lizards—some make good pets, some not—at the Kids Discover Reptiles, Amphibians class. Attend from 3 to 4 p.m. at the South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center, 8545 S. Staples St. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, call (361) 852-2100.
Geocaching 101
Learn the art of geocaching. Join a high-tech scavenger hunt for all ages and learn how to geocache anywhere. At 2 p.m., meet at the old HQ Pavilion “Castle” at Lake Corpus Christi State Park, 23194 Park Road 25 in Mathis.
March 13
Paddle with the Rangers
Learn to kayak. Come down to the picnic area by the long fishing pier at Lake Corpus Christi State Park from 1 to 4 p.m. and take one out for a paddle. Park Rangers will have all of the kayaks, paddles and equipment available for check out and will provide instruction. Lake Corpus Christi State Park is located at 23194 Park Road 25 in Mathis.
Corpus Christi Fury vs. Louisiana Cottonmouths
See Corpus Christi’s American Indoor Football League play at the American Bank Center. The game begins at 7 p.m. For more information, visit the website or call (888) 673-PASS.
March 14
Civilian Conservation Corps Exhibit & Ranger Talk
Meet at the Old HQ Pavilion “Castle” and learn about the history of Lake Corpus Christi State Park and the CCC. There will be fun activities for the kids as well as historic photo displays. Maybe even plan to stay for the sunset. It’s particularly pretty from the CCC built overlook. The event begins at 5 p.m. and is located at 23194 Park Road 25 in Mathis.
March 15 Kids Bird Feeder Decorating
Take a stroll out to the birding area at Lake Corpus Christi State Park and join Park Rangers for a chance to decorate your very own bird feeder. Bring your binoculars and enjoy some birding along the way or on the nearby Longhorn Trail. Feeders available while supplies last. The event is from 10 a.m.-noon and is located at 23194 Park Road 25 in Mathis.
March 16 Mad About Science
At 4 p.m., the La Retama Library (located at 805 Comanche) hosts “Mad About Science,” a series which gets kids hands-on with fun experiments. It’s free, fun and open to the public.
Wednesday Night Regatta
Sailors converge for a weekly regatta every Wednesday night at the Corpus Christi Marina. Don your boat shoes and feel the salty ocean breeze on your face as you watch from the docks or sea wall. The Marina is located at 400A N Shoreline Blvd. in Corpus Christi and the race begins at 6 p.m.
March 17
Explorer Pack Nature Park
Meet at the Catfish Point Trailhead for a guided one-mile walk to investigate what plants and animals live in Lake Corpus Christi State Park. Explorer Packs will be provided for those interested. Wear good shoes and bring water. The walk begins at 2 p.m. and is located at 23194 Park Road 25 in Mathis.
March 19 Daddy Daughter Dance
Teach your Princess the art of the proper date. Aransas Pass for Youth invites daddy's and daughters of ALL ages to come out to the third Annual Daddy Daughter Dance. Dinner is at 6 p.m., followed by the dance at 7 p.m. Expect food, games, groovin' and a good time. The event is located at Aransas Pass High School (450 S Avenue A in Aransas Pass).
Spring Break on the Coast 2016
ZiegenBock presents Spring Break on the Coast featuring Randy Rogers Band with Cody Johnson Band, Kevin Fowler and more! Don't miss the biggest Texas Country party of the year. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. and takes place at Old Concrete Street Amphitheater (700 Concrete Street in Corpus Christi). For tickets and more information visit concretestreet.net.
For more fun any day of the year, check out our Events calendar at 101corpuschristi.com/EVENTS!