Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi counseling interns Clarissa Garza (left) and Sadia Nuhu help Metro Ministries CEO Patty Clark (center) demonstrate the materials that go into hygiene kits provided for people in need. Photo by Nickie Snow Stillman

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi counseling interns Clarissa Garza (left) and Sadia Nuhu help Metro Ministries CEO Patty Clark (center) demonstrate the materials that go into hygiene kits provided for people in need. Photo by Nickie Snow Stillman

Since the fifth grade, Emily Fauver, now 17has sold hot cocoa at tLamar Park’s annual Lighting of the Park Christmas event to raise money for local charities. For the past few years, that charity has been Metro Ministries. The organization provides meals, transitional housing, health care, job training and overall life coaching to the chronically homeless and working poor. 
“We are very fortunate to have so many people and organizations in our city who are so civic-minded,” said Patty Clark of Metro Ministries. “Our volunteers come in all shapes and sizes." 
It was through her volunteering with Lamar Park that Fauver was first introduced to Metro Ministries. 
“My dad and I had the opportunity to tour their facility when I brought my first donation check. I like how they take so many steps to help people get back on their own feet.”
Fauver credits her philanthropic approach to life to her dad, Scott Fauver.
“He has guided and directed me on a certain path," she said. "Serving others is a big part of our lives.”
To date, Emily’s donations to charities have been conservatively estimated at more than $10,000.
“I feel good about the world to know that we will pass it along to young people like Emily,” Clark said. “She has a servant's heart and the commitment to follow through.”


Metro Ministries has many volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups. Some options can be done on site or off.
• Bundling hygiene kits, a great community service project for Boy and Girl Scout troops, honor societies, key clubs, civic groups and church organizations
• Serving meals at Loaves and Fishes
• Helping the women and children at Rainbow House with arts and crafts projects; reading, drawing, coloring or playing board games with the children
• Donating cold-weather clothing for infants, children, women and men
• Sorting donations at the Vineyard
Volunteer doctors and nurses are also needed to work at clinics on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week. For information on how to volunteer call Annie at (361) 887-0151.