Liko, Schooner, Kai and Shadow get a short vacation while their office undergoes renovations.
While the city of Corpus Christi struggles with its water system, the Texas State Aquarium has plumbing issues of its own. Dolphin Bay and its the underwater viewing room, lost quite a bit of water on Sunday, May 22, when a large pipe broke. The pipe feeds saltwater into the dolphin display tank, which is held back by a 70-foot window.
Until repairs have been made on the pipe, the aquarium’s four dolphins have been temporarily relocated to another enclosure. The dolphin show at aquarium has been put on hold for approximately a week, until the plumbing is back to normal.
There is good news: all four dolphins are perfectly healthy and happy.
Two of the dolphins are new. Liko and Schooner, joined the aquarium in January. Since their arrival, trainers have been working to encourage a bond between Shadow and Kai, long time residents of Dolphin Bay. At the beginning, the dolphins were kept in separate enclosures until they could become acquainted and eventually form a pod, like dolphins do in the wild. Everything has gone smoothly since the transition period began. The dolphins were brought together at the start of May.
More good news: until the exhibit space at Dolphin Bay reopens, the aquarium will be offering $3 off admission.
The Texas State Aquarium is located at 2710 N Shoreline Blvd in Corpus Christi. Visit texasstateaquarium.org or call (361) 881-1200 for more information.