The team at Corpus Christ Chiropractic & Wellness includes massage therapist Aaron Avalos (left), public relations person Sandra Gambone, owner Dr. Jeffrey W. Lewis, office manager Veronica Tijerina and receptionist/doctor’s assistant Janeth Reza. Staff photo
Corpus Christi Chiropractic & Wellness doubled its space in a recent expansion, adding more nutritional services and room for three additional massage therapists. The office at 2033 Airline Drive now devotes 2,200 square feet to wellness, owner Dr. Jeffrey Lewis said. His practice includes treating everything from chronic diseases such as arthritis and diabetes to structural injuries, including in the back, neck or knees.
"Everything we do here is natural," Lewis said. "We offer alternative health care with an emphasis on the nutritional aspects."
Lewis specializes in treating difficult and chronic injuries, a niche he said he has cornered in Corpus Christi. His engineering background on top of his medical training has led him to look at the skeleton — especially the spine — as a structural problem.
"We do a lot decompression injuries, arthritis and knee pain," he said. "I handle cases other doctors don't want to deal with."
Other services expanding include cellular analysis to test for nutrient deficiencies. He also offers hormonal therapy.
"We can determine the best nutritional program for our patients," Lewis said. "Many of our patients are diabetic [type 2] and that's a nutritional problem that can be rectified by diet. We also effectively treat obesity with nutrition."
As a chiropractor in a beach community, Lewis sees quite a few surfing injuries, he said. Water sports actually drew the former Oklahoman to the Texas Gulf Coast, but not because he wanted to treat that particular type of injury. After a long, but successful, battle with prostrate cancer, Lewis wanted to get back into sailing.
"When I was sailing was the happiest time in my life," he said. "I wanted to be close to the water so I can sail. It's hard to sail in Oklahoma."
Corpus Christi became his city of choice because of its size, the great weather and the miles of gulf shoreline.
"Now I can wake up in the morning and be at my boat in minutes, rig it out and take off," he said. "And I like the people. I like the ocean and the beach. We go to the beach at least twice a week."
His interest in water sports extends to all things athletic. Corpus Christi Chiropractic & Wellness sponsors a martial arts fighter, body builders and participants in bikini contests.
"We are into getting and staying healthy," he told Corpus Christi Business News.
Corpus Christi Chiropractic & Wellness
2033 Airline Road, Windchase Shopping Center
(361) 853-1400