Know the risks involved, and how to avoid them, before getting a piercing anywhere on your body.

Know the risks involved, and how to avoid them, before getting a piercing anywhere on your body.

From simple ear piercings to bellybuttons and beyond, before the heat hits the autoclave, be sure you know the risks involved in sticking needles — and jewelry — through your skin or cartilage. Besides avoiding infections, you also will want to speed up the healing process, all the better to show off your new body bling ASAP.
Although infection is less likely with ear piercings than any other part of the body, any piercing poses some degree of risk, including:
• Possible allergic reactions — Make sure you're not allergic to the metal in your jewelry. Some metals, especially nickel, can cause complications.
• Skin infections — Infections hurt, cause redness and swelling and are common after a piercing. Be sure to follow instructions for cleaning your wound.
• Tearing or trauma — No matter where you put it, jewelry can be easily torn out of the skin by accident and could even require medical repair or stitches. If you think the area you are getting pierced might be subject to accidental tugging on a regular basis, reconsider that position!
With or without infection, the area around your piercing will be tender and swollen for a few days. To prevent infection and encourage healing, follow these simple tips:
1. Don't tug on or toy with the jewelry, especially if your hands are dirty.
2. Avoid swimming, since water can infect wounds.
3. Clean oral piercings with alcohol-free mouthwash or a sterile solution after each meal and before you go to bed.
4. Clean exterior skin piercings with antibacterial soap multiple times a day.
5. Avoid using ointments that might prevent oxygen from getting to the area.
6. Keep your jewelry in place to prevent the hole from closing up. You won't be able to change out pieces until the wound is completely healed.
7. Last, but not least, avoid piercing guns. The safest way to pierce is with a sterile needle approved for body piercing. Be sure the needle comes from a heated autoclave by a gloved and trained professional.
Happy piercing!