The xeriscape garden at the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History offers a lush example of how much green you can get while still conserving water.

The xeriscape garden at the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History offers a lush example of how much green you can get while still conserving water.

Xeriscape landscaping requires less water for a green, plush look. If your first image when you think of a xeriscaped yard is one full of rocks, mulch and no living plants, well, guess again.
Having a beautiful, and yes, lush landscape does not require excessive amounts of water. Which is why xeriscaping is quickly becoming the norm for Coastal Bend homeowners and businesses as water conservation has become a necessity. 
The City of Corpus Christi leads the trend with the Xeriscape Learning Center & Design Garden, located alongside the Museum of Science and History. The garden showcases a wide variety of native plants, trees and ground cover well suited to thrive with minimal water consumption.
The garden is a 20-plus year project by a group of dedicated volunteers from the Nueces County Master Gardeners and the City of Corpus Christi Water Department.  If you're interested in incorporating xeriscaping into your landscape, contact the master gardeners at