Part of planning a successful move includes calculating the number of boxes you'll need along with tape and markers to properly label each one.

Part of planning a successful move includes calculating the number of boxes you’ll need along with tape and markers to properly label each one.

If all goes well with your plans to sell, you could be moving before you know it. But have you put in the proper planning? Have you coordinated moving trucks, utilities and an optimum closing date? Those are all crucial aspects to consider and you can be on top of them with a little due diligence and strategy.
1. Less is More
Even before you enlist the help of a Realtor to sell your home, start paring down your possessions. There is no need to transport what you don’t need to your new home. Have a yard sale for extra moving cash or make a donation to your local charitable organization. The less clutter the better when it comes time to load up the moving truck.
2. Closing Strategy
Price isn’t the only aspect of selling your home that you should negotiate. Experts urge you to build in some overlap between the closing dates of your old and new homes. This will afford you the ability to paint walls, install flooring or make any last-minute repairs before you move in to your new home. Talk to your Realtor and mortgage broker about ways to make sure you have plenty of time to do so.
3. The (Little) Big Things
In the excitement of moving, some aspects of a smooth transition can get lost in the shuffle. Once you know your home is going to sell, start arranging for phone and utility hookups in your new home. These companies generally need a few days or more to get you connected and ready for service. Even the perfect new home will be less than ideal with no running water or utilities.
Also arrange for the type of internet connection you want. If you’re moving from town into the country, reach out to your local phone or cable provider to find out your options or if your area is even equipped for high-speed connections.