Mayor Nelda Martinez and an enthusiastic group of young volunteers made a difference in their city with their cleanup efforts along the Agnes-Loredo Corridor walk last fall. Courtesy photo
Volunteering is a selfless act that many people do out of the goodness of their hearts. What is not always recognized is how essential volunteerism is to the vibrancy and economic growth of a community. April is designated as National Volunteer Appreciation Month, so now's your opportunity to thank those around you who give so generously of their time and talents.
This is also a time to appreciate how significant volunteer contributions are to our daily lives. Mayor Nelda Martinez, a great proponent of volunteerism, acknowledges tremendous value of the work volunteers do.
“Volunteers have an enormous impact on the quality of life in Corpus Christi and provide local organizations with free resources to help meet their mission and goals,” the mayor told Corpus Christi Business News. “It can be challenging to find time to volunteer, but it is something that is definitely needed to improve our community.”
Volunteering in the U.S. happens on a large scale. According to the non-profit Corporation National & Community Service, in 2013, 62.6 million people volunteered nearly 7.7 billion hours. Using Independent Sector's hourly estimate, volunteer service was valued at $173 billion. If volunteerism were a company, it would be bigger than Coca-Cola, General Electric or Wal-Mart, according to these numbers.
In the Coastal Bend, organizations such as Metro Ministries and Catholic Charities not only help feed and clothe homeless people, they provide services to assist people in job hunting, money management and housing. Healthcare and dental services are provide by volunteers with the Missions of Mercy for the uninsured or underinsured.
These types of charitable organizations take the burden off strapped city and state budgets. But you don’t have to volunteer with a big organization to have a big impact. Many individuals right here in Corpus Christi, on their own initiative, seek out volunteer opportunities to raise money for charities, area clean ups and to maintain area parks and beaches, as well as offering their time to local museums.
Studies show that volunteering in and of itself can make people feel healthier and boost self esteem, particularly for young people in their teen years. The Journal of Health and Social behavior found that people who are involved in community service may have greater life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of purpose in life, physical health and mental health.
“Volunteerism is a very important part of my life,” Mayor Martinez said. “The gift of self and talent to your community is one of the most precious gifts you can give as well as to receive.”
Martinez volunteers with several city initiatives, including the Mayor’s Pride Committee, which works to keep the city streets clean.
“Having been born and raised in Corpus Christi, I take a great deal of pride in improving the cleanliness of our city and maintaining a city that we can all be proud to call our home,” she said. Interested in getting involved as a volunteer but not sure where to start?
Go to volunteermatch.org, a website designed to match volunteers with local non-profit organizations seeking help. Corpus Christi Business News has had the pleasure of covering many volunteers and volunteer organizations that make such a huge positive difference in the Coastal Bend.
Know a volunteer, a group or an organization that you would like to acknowledge their great work in our area? We would love to tell their story. Visit our Facebook page and let us know who they are!