Victor and Annie Licon, owners of CC Foundation Repair Co., guide customers to educate themselves about the foundation repair process before having the work done. Staff photo

Victor and Annie Licon, owners of CC Foundation Repair Co., guide customers to educate themselves about the foundation repair process before having the work done. Staff photo

With almost 30 years of providing foundation repair in the Corpus Christi area, Victor and Annie Licon know the lay of the land — especially the land that lies under homes in the Coastal Bend. As owners of CC Foundation Repair Co., the Licons strive to share that knowledge with their customers. Customers with a full understanding of the process used to stabilize foundations are better able to prevent problems in the future, the Licons pointed out.
“We like to be well-rounded with our approach with customers,” Victor Licon told Corpus Christi Business News. “When we start a job, I always recommend that homeowners try to be on site for at least the first day. I want to be able to show them the quality of our work but also give them the opportunity to clearly see the depth of the process, so they know what they’re getting for their money.”
Because foundation repair happens underground, once the job is complete, it is not overtly apparent how much work was done and the amount of materials used. If a customer can’t be on site, Victor takes photos that illustrate the whole process for the homeowner. 
CC Foundation Repair takes extra steps to give customers peace of mind, including offering a lifetime guarantee on foundation stabilization work, Victor said. Additionally, all slab, pier and beam work is certified by a structural engineer. 
“I think every homeowner should have an objective third party review the work once it is done on a home to certify that the work was correctly completed,” he said.
As a true craftsman in the field, Victor takes pride in the bell-bottom pier system that is the cornerstone of his business. 
“There are other types of piering methods available such as piling,” he explained, “but in our 30 years of business, we have found the deep-drilled bell-bottom method is the only long-term solution.”
The deep-drilled bell-bottom pier is one solid piece of engineering, consisting of a single cylindrical unit of poured concrete with steel rebar that reinforces the center. A large bell-shaped footer is set at the base for support. It is stronger than the piling method, so it is able to support more weight. As one solid unit, a deep-drilled bell-bottom pier is also resistant to the natural shifts and forces of soil movement.
Victor admits that, for most people, the benefits of a deep-drilled bell-bottom pier is not that exciting. However, this method of foundation stabilization helps him sleep better at night “because I know we have done the best job possible for our customers.”
Another way the CC Foundation Repair crew helps customers have a full understanding of foundation repair is by educating them about what conditions cause problems. 
“We work closely with structural engineers,” Victor explained. “Their reports offer key information about what caused the foundation problems. We share tips and options that homeowners can do to avoid having a similar problem down the road.”
Annie Licon agreed.
“We do not want people to throw good money at the problem only to have it reoccur,” she said. “So people need to determine why foundation issues have occurred and what needs to be done to address the initial problem that is causing their home to shift.”
The Licons strive to provide their customers with the highest quality of professional service while still approaching the business in a personable, user-friendly manner. 
“I like to run the business with a mom-and-pop attitude when it comes to customer service,” Victor said. “I want my customers to feel free to call me if they have questions. They are putting the care of their homes in our hands, so there has to be a level of trust.”
Victor and his crew take precautions on work sites to ensure no additional damage occurs in a home while they complete their work. They also leave the site clean and free of debris. 
“Our crew has been with us forever,” Annie boasted. “We have the utmost trust in their work ethics and their workmanship.”
Victor added that he is often complimented about the work of the CC Foundation Repair team.
“In fact, we had one client who called to thank us because we left her home cleaner than she left it,” he said. “We do take the extra effort to wipe things down, sweep up, mop, if necessary, and haul off any leftover materials.”
That level of customer satisfaction, Victor said, is how CC Foundation Repair has stayed in business since 1986. 
CC Foundation Repair is at 5613 Safari Drive and can be reached by calling 361-994-1151. 


Drought conditions are the main cause of a sliding or settling home, causing the soil to shrink and pull away from building foundations. After several years of severe drought in the Coastal Bend, recent rains that hit the area have hydrated the soil, causing the ground to swell. That change in soil condition can cause a home or structure to further shift. 
Other causes of foundation problems include improper drainage and undetected plumbing leaks under the home.

Signs of a shifting foundation

Inside the house or business:
• cracks in drywall or ceilings
• cracks in concrete floors
• gaps around door and windows
• misaligned doors and windows

Outside the house or business:
• cracks in foundation
• stair-step cracks in brick mortar
• water pooling around the foundation
• soil separation around the foundation