Architectural rendering of the Cheniere Energy LNG production units in Corpus Christi with the most recent expansion plans pointed out. Courtesy Photo

Architectural rendering of the Cheniere Energy LNG production units in Corpus Christi with the most recent expansion plans pointed out. Courtesy Photo

Cheniere Energy took the necessary steps to build two more LNG production units at its Corpus Christi location, adding to the three already approved and nearing construction. The company filed paperwork this week seeking federal approval for an expansion of the current LNG plans at its Ingleside plant. LNG, or liquified natural gas, is natural gas converted to liquid form for easy storage and transport. Cheniere is the largest provider of LNG in the world.
If approved by the government, construction on the additional LNG production lines could begin in 2017. The first LNG production would begin four years later. The decision will be made by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 
Cheniere has three units already approved by the federal government for the Corpus Christi site. Construction on two of them is set to begin soon. An agreement to begin construction was signed in late May between Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals Inc. and Cheniere, a Houston-based company. 
“This next phase of growth would bring our expected aggregate nominal LNG production capacity to approximately 60 mtpa by 2025," said Charif Souki, Cheniere's Chairman and CEO. That’s an increase of 19 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of incremental LNG production. 
The initial LNG trains are expected to provide around 300 full-time, long-term positions. No estimate was given for the number of employees needed for the additional trains.