The August 2015 issue of Corpus Christi Business News.
The bad news is, school starts August 24. The good news is, school starts August 24!
For dates, registration information and what's new on area campuses this coming school year, read the August issue of Corpus Christi Business News. You’ll find out about continuing and adult education with a double back-to-school whammy on the front page: We’ve also profiled the department at Del Mar College that trains area employers from welders to engineers to firefighters.
Kids (and students of all ages) command the front page, with Baby Bea, a beached Atlanta bottlenosed dolphin bottle feeding at the Texas State Aquarium’s SeaLab. Bea was found washed ashore on South Padre Island several weeks ago. She is rehabbing in Corpus Christi.
Local businesses profiled in this month’s issue include:
• Storybooks School, which is celebrating it’s 5th anniversary
• Starkey Mortgage, which is introducing a new loan package that includes the cost of remodeling with the price of the house
• Buffalo Wings & Rings as it gets ready for some football with its 40 TV screens, a penchant for big parties and fresh ingredients. yummy food
You’ll also meet Noel and Gabriel Martinez, the father/son team that own and operate Oscar’s Pools. They were also the cover story on Corpus Christi Living magazine. If you didn’t get one in the mailbox, check out the digital flip book online at http://www.101corpuschristi.com/living.
And did you know that the Port of Corpus Christi’s executive director, John P. LaRue has a son who is running for Houston city council? You’ll find out all about young John C. B. LaRue’s campaign and how he honed his political skills in Corpus Christi.
CC Biz News also wants you to know about the Palmer Drug Abuse Program’s Dignity Breakfast, which is making a comeback after several years on hiatus. You can find out about how to RSVP to attend or to become a sponsor for this important fundraiser right here on http://www.101corpuschristi.com/news/3683 or on the program’s website at http://www.pdapcc.org/.
On his monthly Legal News column, attorney Andrew Greenwell explores the effect new gun laws will have on campuses and businesses. Campus carry went into effect August 1.
And did I mention advertisers? The Corpus Christi Marketplace — and all through the pages of the Business News — feature sales and services you can use every day. Don’t miss a word of the Corpus Christi Business News. Didn’t get one in the mail? Check out the digital flip book in the right hand column of this page!