The Corpus Christi Area Wide Telephone and Internet Directory is the only phone book in the Coastal Bend region that still includes complete residential listings in the 361 area code. It is also the only book that covers the Coastal Bend beyond Corpus Christi. The 2015-2016 books arrived hot off the presses this week! Illustration by Roland Chiapoco
The newest Corpus Christi Area-wide Telephone and Internet Directory will land on doorsteps throughout the Coastal Bend beginning this week. Look for the signature bright blue plastic bag next time you open your front door. Inside you’ll find the only phone book in the region with complete residential listings in the 361 area code.
This year’s book also contains updated information for businesses new and old, along with the complete business blue page listings that gives you everything in the yellow pages in alphabetical order.
“We are the only complete, area-wide phone book in the Coastal Bend,” said Dan Alvey, owner of Texas Publishing Co., a locally owned and operated business now serving the area for 16 years. Texas Publishing also produces the Corpus Christi Business News, Corpus Christi Living magazine, 101 Fun Things to do in Corpus Christi, ccbiznews.com, 101corpuschristi.com, 101 Social Media and a series of subject-specific guides that further enhance advertising opportunities for its phone book clients.
“Texas Publishing is a full-service marketing company,” Alvey said. “The phone book is an integral part of a much more comprehensive package of advertising opportunities that include online, print and social media. Each of these works hand-in-hand with the other to provide the best coverage and exposure for our customers as possible. You won’t find a better investment for your advertising dollars.”
The 2015-2016 directory further solidifies a visionary new business strategy that could help stop a continuing drop in phone book ad sales nationwide. By offering new platforms and expanded advertising opportunities, the Corpus Christi Area-wide Telephone and Internet Directory actually closed its season with an increase in sales.
“People say phone books are dying, but national studies prove that people still use phone books and the return on investment for advertising dollars is still high,” Alvey said. “We can’t always fight perceptions, but we can take a proven, quality product and expand it to better serve area businesses. Texas Publishing puts its customers first. Our business is making your business grow.”
Phone book delivery to homes will continue throughout the fall, said Angela Sciantarelli, distribution manager, who is now hiring drivers. Anyone interested should call Sciantarelli at 361-991-1306.
“We are looking for honest, friendly, respectful people who can deliver in neighborhoods during the daytime,” Sciantarelli said. “You can do the work on your own time, just not after dark.”
Eliigible applicants should have a current Texas Driver’s License, current insurance in their name and for the car they will be driving.
Phone books are also available free at local libraries, H-E-B grocery stores and area chambers of commerce. A complete list of 58 locations with racks of free phone books can be found online at 101corpuschristi.com/area-wide.