Dan McQueen took over as Corpus Christi’s mayor on Dec. 13, 2016. He apparently resigned by way of a Facebook post on Jan. 18, 2017. Courtesy photo
According to Mayor Dan McQueen’s Facebook post, he has resigned from the Corpus Christi City Council.
“Consider this my resignation,” reads the post. “I resign immediately. The city can no longer deal with such differing views and divisiveness. I step down from my position as mayor in order to allow the council and city to regain focus on success.”
This followed a Facebook post that claimed he was the only person on the council with more than a high school diploma — a statement that is not true. That post read: “CORPUS CHRISTI City Council comprised of only High School graduates! But that is not the Story, you should ask WHY? I think the answer is MONEY! Attack the most educated and experience (sic) person on the council, FUNNY!”
The long post also claimed that “my lawyers are now involved so please allow time to assess DAMAGES!”
He continued to blast the media in the post: “Freedom of Speech does not mean anything goes in media and it does not mean I am REQUIRED to talk with them! Media is BIAS and MONEY Talks. Just Saying. I will leave you with this. If you can’t fix the media, please don’t ask me to fix the city. In one day’s time they have created more division and I am not sure I can put this train back on the track.”
His apparent resignation, which followed in a separate post, and claim of higher education also followed an investigation by reporters to verify McQueen’s engineering degree from Florida State University. The university said they did not have anyone with McQueen’s name and birthday who had graduated from the school, despite claims on the mayor’s LInkedIn and web site. Since the questions were asked, both the LinkedIn and candidate website claims were taken down. A master’s degree from Boston University was validated by members of the media.
Earlier in the day, several council members called on the mayor to stop making himself the center of attention and to focus on the city’s issues.
See related story: Mayor Dan McQueen under pressure.