One of the most popular of the murals in downtown Corpus Christi is Loteria!, located on the south wall of 619 Chaparral St. The mural is 56 feet by 24 feet. Lorteria! merchandise is available at K Space Contemporary art gallery at 412 Starr Street. Photo by JoAnna Kopp

One of the most popular of the murals in downtown Corpus Christi is Loteria!, located on the south wall of 619 Chaparral St. The mural is 56 feet by 24 feet. Lorteria! merchandise is available at K Space Contemporary art gallery at 412 Starr Street. Photo by JoAnna Kopp

Already known for its colorful and exotic outdoor paintings, downtown Corpus Christi is about to become a whole lot brighter. The first-ever mural art gathering in the city, the CC Street WAVE set for July 14-16, will bring some of the best muralists in the state to paint more downtown murals. 
Local muralist Jeremy Flores, who unveiled his latest mural at the first Mural Mixer on May 17, is spearheading the event. The Mural Mixer is the latest in a string of creative downtown events designed by the Marina Arts District to highlight the area’s many positive attributes.  
The goal is to build on an already growing and vibrant art scene in Corpus Christi, Flores said. His latest mural depicts a baby turtle making its way to the ocean, a popular occurrence that makes summers special at Padre Island National Seashore.  
Flores grew up in Corpus Christi during a time when it was hard to find local artistic inspiration. He has seen that change over the years and wants to keep the vibe up by attracting a new generation of young artists to the scene, he said.