Fish any body of water in the state of Texas free (meaning no fishing license needed) on Saturday, June 1. Texas hosts a free fishing day every first Saturday in June for National Fishing and Boating Week.
Fish for free on any body of water in Texas on Saturday, June 1. Free Fishing Day kicks off National Fishing and Boating Week, which is June 1-9. It’s the perfect time for newcomers to the sport to get hooked on fishing.
In Texas, the annual Free Fishing Day, which happens the first Saturday in June, includes numerous events across the state hosted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
National Fishing and Boating week raises awareness of the importance of water recreation. The takemefishing.org website is a great place to start for those wanting to hook up with a new sport. The website includes a How to Fish section and an interactive map.
Fishing is always free at state parks in Texas. In the Coastal Bend area, that includes Lake Corpus Christi State Park, Mustang Island State Park, and Goose Island State Park. (Note: Some areas of Mustang Island and Goose Island state parks are closed due to damage from Hurricane Harvey.)
Otherwise, fishing in the state of Texas requires the purchase of an annual permit with a freshwater or saltwater endorsement. A permit is needed for fish, mussels, clams, crayfish, or other aquatic life in the state’s public waters. Fees range from $7 to $68, depending on the package purchased.
Free Fishing Day does not apply to fishing in federal waters.