Corpus Christi Living magazine stays in the hands of readers because of its editorial content, which puts consumer eyes on the advertisements as well.
Take a look at the free magazine inserted in this month’s issue of Corpus Christi Business News. It’s there to show you a profitable and exciting way to advertise and grow your business.
Now in its fourth year, Corpus Christi Living is growing in popularity among advertisers and consumers. A free, monthly publication, it looks and reads like a magazine, making it a valuable commodity to the 50,000 high-income homes that receive it.
“Each issue has an interesting story and a calendar of events,” sales manager Bob Hotchkin said. “It has something people want to see. People hold on to Corpus Christi Living.”
Numbers show that mailers work for advertisers, especially those with interesting content. Low-cost advertising rates make for an even better bargain. Rates for a typical mailer can run up to 40-50 cents each, Hotchkin said. Corpus Christi Living costs advertisers only 1.3 cents per home reached.
“It’s much less expensive to advertise with our magazine, and it works,” he said. “I’ve got many, many testimonials from our advertisers — who keep coming back — that we are helping them grow their business.”
Joe Solis, owner of ABC Painting and Drywall, LLC, heartily agrees that advertising in Corpus Christi Living pays off.
“Ever since my ad came out in the Living magazine, the phone has really been ringing,” he said.
One reason direct mail works is that print advertising works, something Hotchkin knows as a longtime advertising sales person in the phone book industry.
“It’s profitable, otherwise you wouldn’t keep getting so many [direct mail pieces] in the mail every day,” Hotchkin said. “It’s a proven, successful way to advertise.”
Corpus Christi Living works best for businesses that have a product or a service to sell. The publication lands directly in the hands of the people who are looking for just those deals.
“As a mailer, the Living works so much better than other mailers because it has more useful items in it beyond the quality ads,” Hotchkin said. “It has the look and feel and content of a magazine.”
One example of the magazine in action can be measured on the company’s website at 101corpuschristi.com.
“Our online calendar of events is the most-visited page on our website, and the Living magazine drives that traffic,” Hotchkin said. “It also drives traffic to our advertisers, who keep coming back because they have experienced how well it works.”
Part of Texas Publishing Co., which publishes the Corpus Christi Area-wide Telephone and Internet Directory, Corpus Christi Living’s offices are located at 4455 South Padre Island Drive, #4.
To find out more about Corpus Christi Living magazine, call Hotchkin at (361) 991-1306.