SOS Nutrispot is well loved by Herbalife fans in Corpus Christi. “The ladies,” as their clients affectionately call the staff, serve encouragement and health advice along with their famous nutritional shakes.
Josie Lugo Rodriguez recommends SOS Nutrispot on Facebook. “Anita and her crew make the best tasting shakes and teas!” he writes on Facebook. You'll forget they are full of nutrition because they taste so good. There's also a lot of flavors to choose from, so you can always try something new. Anita keeps it very clean, makes all the shakes and teas in front of you and explains all of the benefits of the ingredients. She puts a lot of love in her shakes!”
Karen Burkhart found SOS Nutrispot by happy accident, and is now a regular customer. “I accidentally found [SOS Nutrispot] looking for another place my daughter had mentioned to me,” she writes on Google. “I am forever grateful for finding them and the inspiring Anita! She and her team not only spin and mix health-filled shakes, teas and drinks, but encourage, support and motivate to ensure your success in your health journey. Everyone who you meet there is warm and supportive as they are on their wellness journey alongside you! You will not be disappointed upon entering the shop. You will find yourself craving… the shakes and inspiration!!”
SOS Nutrispot is located at 6062 Holly Rd #B9 in Corpus Christi. It’s open  Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.  Visit its Facebook Page to schedule a free consultation or call (361) 334-5989.
You can take a wellness survey on Anita Cisneros’s Herbalife site to get personalized recommendations.