The U.S. Navy Blue Angels take to the Coastal Bend skies each spring, either at Naval Air Station Kingsville (on even-numbered years) or Buccaneer Days in Corpus Christi (on odd-numbered years). Courtesy photo
Fantastic formations, soaring skydivers, bold barrel rolls, and more: Aerobatic enthusiasts delight every time the Blue Angels soar over Corpus Christi Bay.
The Blue Angels come to Naval Air Station Kingsville, 554 McCain St., No. 214, on even-numbered years and Buc Days in Corpus Christi on odd-numbered years. The shows are free to the public and an exciting display of aerobatics.
The Blue Angels represent the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Their blue and yellow aircraft (F/A-18 Hornets) fly in formation for a stunning show.
The planes soar rain or shine.
For more information, visit wingsoversouthtexas.com.