Receptionist Melissa Hernandez and manager Rene Flores are ready to assist with repairs or sales of a wide selection of mobile phones, tablets and other digital devices at Cell-Tech’s convenient location on South Padre Island Drive just off Kostoryz Road. Photo by Jane Kathleen Gregorio
With the rapid pace of changing technology, today’s latest wireless devices quickly become outdated as the craze to upgrade ensues among consumers. For Corpus Christi residents who still cherish their early model flip phones and older model gadgets, Cell-Tech cellphone repair sells used mobile phones and older model accessories while also fixing broken phones so they are good as new.
“The majority of our sales and services come from customers needing replacement chargers for their older model phones,” said owner and founder Marcus Mallett.
Having worked several years for a major wireless network repairing mobile phones, Mallett said he enjoys being able to diagnose and fix broken devices.
Mallett got his start in the business working as a repair technician for a major mobile phone company. When the focus changed from repairing phones to pushing new phones on customers, he decided to make a change.
“I loved being able to find solutions for customers,” he said, “but somewhere along the way, the major cellphone companies were more focused on getting customers to buy an upgraded phone when, in reality, the one they were using was perfectly functional. I felt bad for people who couldn’t afford to buy a new phone, such as the elderly or those on fixed incomes.”
In fact, one of his customers — a woman on Medicaid — just needed a simple repair, but the company for which he worked wanted to sell her a new phone she couldn’t afford. Mallett fixed her phone anyway.
“At that point, I decided I had the necessary skills and expertise to strike out on my own and start my own repair service, which focuses on the customer,” Mallett said.
As a result, Mallett opened Cell-Tech in 2010, enabling him to do what he loves: tinkering with electronic gadgets while tapping into an underserved market. He lives by the philosophy that a phone can last as long as you take care of it.
"We have some customers who still have flip phones,” he said. “We're one of the few places that still repair them and have the parts and accessories for it.”
Cell-Tech keeps a large selection of older model phones and chargers, including the older model iPhones in stock. The store buys and sells used phones and tablets.
Five years ago, Mallett was joined by Rene Flores, who shares a background in repairing electronic devices. He currently serves as manager at Cell-Tech.
"I don't consider my job work because I really love what I do,” he told Corpus Christi Business News. “I went to school for this kind of work, tinkering and fixing gadgets. I almost feel like I'm getting paid to do a fun hobby. ”
Rounding out the Cell-Tech family is Melissa Hernandez, who works the front counter, serving as receptionist and office assistant.
"I've been here for two years, and I really love working with these guys,” she said. “They treat not only the customers right but also the employees.”
Customers come from across the area to have their phones and tablets repaired because of the good service, Mallett said.
“We treat our customers with honesty and integrity and charge fair and reasonable prices,” he continued. “We even have employees from other major wireless companies coming to see us to help with repairs on older devices that their companies will no longer fix.”
With many consumers leery of being taken advantage of by repair shops, Mallett and Flores take extra care to be transparent in their work. They explain the problems and how the device will be repaired.
“In fact, if it’s a simple repair that the customer can do themselves, I'm willing to share with them what parts they'll need if it will save them money,” Mallett said.
Common repairs include "the infamous cracked screen."
"Customers can choose to replace it with another LCD or a glass screen,” he explained. “The LCD is more valuable to have though.”
Water damage is another common problem that walks through the doors of Cell-Tech, especially given this is a beach community. Mallett offers the following advice for people whose phones have been dunked or sunk.
• Do not immediately turn the phone on and off and do not keep it charging while it's wet, as this could short out the circuitry.
• Don't wait two to three weeks before bringing it in for a repair because the metal components inside the device can quickly rust, even in a matter of hours;
• Don't stick the phone in rice because it won't completely absorb all the water.
• Do immediately bring it to the repair shop.
Cell-Tech is located at 3040 South Padre Island Drive. For more information, call (361) 728-0308. Visit its Facebook page @celltechcorpus.