U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary member Roy Pell is one of many volunteers conducting free vessel safety checks at the Rock the Dock In-Water Boat Show in Aransas Pass on April 23-25. Personal watercraft can be inspected in a slip, at the launch ramp, or in a driveway. Photo by Jane Kathleen Gregorio

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary member Roy Pell is one of many volunteers conducting free vessel safety checks at the Rock the Dock In-Water Boat Show in Aransas Pass on April 23-25. Personal watercraft can be inspected in a slip, at the launch ramp, or in a driveway. Photo by Jane Kathleen Gregorio

Receive a free vessel safety check from the Corpus Christi Flotilla on April 23-25. Safety checks, which are recommended by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary for all recreational boaters, will be performed at the Rock the Dock In-Water Boat Show at Redfish Bay Boat House/Redfish Willie's Waterfront Grill, 322 Huff St. in Aransas Pass.
“A lot of these recreational boat owners are not even aware such a program exists,” said Roy Pell, who has been with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary for over 30 years. “Where can you go to get a free safety inspection with one-on-one counseling by a boating expert anywhere? The program would be much more popular and have more takers if more of the public only knew."
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, these no-cost, no-penalty vessel safety checks were performed more than 150,000 times each year by hundreds of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and U.S. Power Squadrons volunteers. And while COVID-19 concerns linger, efforts are ramping up to bring vessel examiners back in the field in response to individual requests from boaters needing life-saving vessel safety inspections.
The courtesy vessel safety check can be done at the vessel’s location – whether in a slip, at the launch ramp, or in a driveway – by a certified vessel examiner at a mutually convenient time.
“We come to you to perform the inspection, which takes about 30 minutes,” Pell said. “The inspections are for personal or recreational boats and not commercial, because those have a different process.”
Inspectors run through a standard checklist used for every type of recreational boat, whether it's a small, 16-foot runabout or a large 65-foot pleasure boat. The larger boats, however, have more requirements.
“We make sure the vessel is compliant with both federal and state safety regulations as there are slight differences between the two,” Pell continued.
Once a vessel has successfully passed inspection, the boat owner is awarded a display decal good for one calendar year.
If a boat does not pass, no report is filed. Instead, the boat owner is given a written report that aids in correcting any noted discrepancies. Most often, a quick trip to the local marine chandlery is all that is needed to take care of any safety issues. Some dealers can even provide a discount on those missing items when shown a signed vessel safety check report.
The goal is to expand safety awareness and leave recreational boaters with the peace of mind that their vessel meets minimum safety standards and is equipped to save lives or summon help during an emergency. A final benefit is that a vessel safety check can help lower insurance rates. (Check with local insurance agencies to verify.)
For more information or to receive a vessel safety check, visit the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary website and select “Get a Vessel Safety Check” on the lefthand menu.