Corpus Christi makes budget input meetings virtual due to COVID-19 concerns 

COVID-19 concerns led the Corpus Christi City Council to change its planned in-person public input meetings about its proposed $1.2 million budget to virtual. The five meetings can be accessed via Webex, starting with the first one at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 9.
The meetings take place from 6-7 p.m. on the following dates:

  • District 1 – Monday, Aug. 9
  • District 2 – Wednesday, Aug. 11
  • District 3 – Thursday, Aug. 12
  • District 4 – Monday, Aug. 16
  • District 5 – Wednesday, Aug. 18

At each input session, Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo, the respective district council member, at-large council members, City Manager Peter Zanoni, and city staff will be present virtually for the meetings.
The agenda will include a brief presentation along with a short budget video. The mayor, council members, city manager, and staff will then answer questions submitted from residents regarding the proposed 2022 budget.
Various formats are available for residents to participate and ask questions.
Residents can view any or all of the input sessions virtually and can use the interactive map to find their district.
During any of the meetings, residents can engage by connecting to the following:

For Facebook and YouTube, questions will be collected from comments. Those watching CCTV20 may call in questions at 361-826-2489 (CITY).