Corpus Christi City Manager Peter Zanoni presented the largest-ever proposed budget during the City Council meeting on July 26. The budget will be up for a vote by the council in September. Screen-captured image
Corpus Christi City Manager Peter Zanoni proposed a budget of $1.4 billion, the city’s largest-ever proposed budget. No action was taken after the City Council reviewed it for the first time during its regular meeting on Tuesday, July 26.
The budget focuses on public safety, streets, parks, and water and wastewater.
Zanoni described it as a reflection of the city's commitment to providing public services, programs, and infrastructure that enhance quality of life.
"The proposed (fiscal year) 2023 record-setting budget reflects Corpus Christi's economic growth and continued investment that allows the city to better address community needs, including public safety, streets, water and wastewater infrastructure, and parks," he said.
The council will vote on the 2023 budget in September after a series of discussions, workshops, and community input meetings in August.
City spending will be supported by a projected $6 million more in property taxes in fiscal year 2023 compared to fiscal year 2022 due to increased appraisal values of residential and commercial properties.
Additionally, sales tax revenue is forecast to increase by 9.1 percent to nearly $6 million more this year. All other revenue points to $11 million in additional money.
The proposed budget directs some money to hiring, including 25 additional police officers and 24 more firefighters.
Mayor Paulette Guajardo set a challenge in July to beef up public safety and support.
"Our proposed budget is prudent and progressive and builds a foundation to make significant strides that will leave our community in good standing for years to come," she said. "I want to invite all residents to join one of the five public meetings in August as we set priorities for a balanced budget that supports the needs of our growing community."
Money for streets is also included in the proposal, with $136.4 million set aside for maintenance, lighting, and reconstruction — a 12 percent increase over the 2022 budget.
City parks, North Beach, and Gulf Beach have nearly $20 million assigned in the General Fund budget. Of that, $2 million is budgeted for park amenities in all five City Council districts. Improvement projects in North Beach and Gulf Beach of over $7 million total will be funded by state hotel occupancy taxes.
Residents can view details of the 2023 proposed budget online and are invited to attend public meetings held in each district to discuss the new budget. Meetings begin at 6 p.m. on the dates and locations below:
- District 1 — Monday, Aug. 8, at Owen R. Hopkins Public Library, 3202 Mckinzie Road
- District 2 — Wednesday, Aug. 10, in Room 106 at Del Mar College Center for Economic Development, 101 Baldwin Blvd.
- District 3 — Thursday, Aug. 11, in the Choke Canyon Room at the Water Division building, 2726 Holly Road
- District 4 — Monday, Aug. 15, at Ethel Eyerly Senior Center, 654 Graham Road
- District 5 — Wednesday, Aug. 17, at Veterans Memorial High School, 3750 Cimarron Blvd.