The new Corpus Christi Business Directory features tabs by subject, making it the fastest search engine on the planet.

The new Corpus Christi Business Directory features tabs by subject, making it the fastest search engine on the planet.

Corpus Christi business owners, there’s a new, improved directory in town — an exciting and unique publication that makes it easier for your next customers to find you. The Corpus Christi Business Directory is an upgrade to the Corpus Christi Area-Wide Telephone and Internet Directory and a giant leap into the future for the phone book industry.
“Basically, we’ve made a print version of Google,” directory sales manager Bob Hotchkin said.
Color tabs along the edge of the book separate the major headings inside, making it easy to turn instantly to the section you need.
“It is the fastest search on the planet, and, to our knowledge, it has never been done in any market before,” Hotchkin said. “A customer looking for fencing can easily find the fencing tab, open to the heading, and have every viable fencing company in Corpus Christi right at their fingertips in less than five seconds.”
Perhaps the biggest advantage for business owners is the book will no longer feature non-advertisers in the yellow pages. Every business in the city still will be listed in alphabetical order in the blue pages, but the heart of the book — the yellow pages — will now be advertisers only with bigger, easier-to-read display ads.
“Advertisers will no longer be competing with non-advertisers for those important and lucrative phone calls,” Hotchkin said. “And because of the ease of use and the speed of looking things up, our usage will be on the rise.”
People will want to use the book for others reasons as well. The new format is easier to hold, and with less fine print in the yellow pages to wade through, consumers will be able to land on the specific business they need in record time.
“I can look up insurance companies for insurance quotes in less time than it takes to type in a password on a laptop,” Hotchkin continued.
The book will continue to include government listings in the green pages, the ZIP code and area code lists, hurricane evacuation routes, newcomer’s information, and distribution sites around the city for those who didn’t get a directory at home for some reason, or who just want another one.
The new Corpus Christi Business Directory offers so much more than the printed page, too. Backed by an extensive, interactive website, the Business Directory provides its advertisers with online exposure as part of
Highly mobile, the site enables users to make instant phone calls or find directions to a business with the touch of a finger. You can also save a list of businesses to call or email details to anyone.
“This is where phone books are going,” Hotchkin said. “It’s so much easier to use. It benefits both the consumers and the advertisers who serve them. It’s a win-win to advertise in the Corpus Christi Business Directory.”
Deadline to place an ad in the book is July 27.
“Don’t get left out of the book,” Hotchkin said. “Call me!”
The Corpus Christi Business Directory can be reached at (361) 991-1306. The office is located at 4455 #4 South Padre Island Drive in Corpus Christi. The Directory is a product of Texas Publishing, which also publishes the Corpus Christi Business News, Corpus Christi Living direct mail magazine, 101 Fun Things to do in Corpus Christi, and website.