The Corpus Christi Fire Department responds to emergencies across Nueces County and will now assess fees on a rate schedule instead of a flat rate for individuals located outside of the city limits.
Nueces County residents who live outside of the Corpus Christi city limits now have a fee and rate schedule for fire protection services instead of a flat rate. The Corpus Christi City Council recently voted to adopt the schedules for EMS or single-fire unit responses.
Previously, the city assessed a standard $350 plus $5 per mile to the individual or household receiving services outside of the city limits. The city charged this rate because of the varied costs of providing these services, some of which can be costly.
The new fees will be based on personnel, equipment, and mileage costs plus the response readiness fee, which is assessed instead of city property taxes.
Each call’s fee will be different based on the distance traveled and services rendered. The city will assess the costs to the individual getting the services.
The Corpus Christi Fire Department's response services fees will not be charged for natural disaster calls if covered by the Nueces County Mutual Aid Agreement.
The agreement requires all parties to maintain necessary equipment and personnel for fire suppression, hazardous materials response, emergency medical support, or special rescue events.
The agreement is for the CCFD and the emergency and medical emergency service departments of Port Aransas, Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi, Nueces County districts 1 through 6, and Robstown.
People outside of the city limits using the CCFD response services will receive an invoice within 30 days of the call. The Corpus Christi ordinance also notes that the city will set forth collection mechanisms to recover fees if not paid.