Firefighters who responded to an emergency medical call are now being quarantined after the patient tested posited for COVID-19. In total, eight firefighters are being isolated for a 14-day quarantine period, according to a notice from Nueces County Commissioner Carolyn Vaughn.
“I think the public needs to know all of the information as soon as we hear it,” Vaughn wrote on her Facebook page.
According to Vaughn, on March 19, six firefighters, mostly from Station 12, responded to a call for service for a patient suffering from congestive heart failure.
“We learned today (March 25) that the patient who still is in the hospital has tested positive for COVID-19,” Vaughn wrote in her post.
Five of those six are quarantined until April 2. One of those began feeling sick on March 25 and has been isolated. He was scheduled for testing on March 26. Three other firefighters who came in contact with the sick firefighter started a quarantine March 25.