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Corpus Christi ISD Serves Curbside Lunches

Free curbside lunches served by the Flour Bluff Independent School District through April 14 include healthy fruits and vegetables. Courtesy photo

Free curbside lunches served by the Flour Bluff Independent School District through April 14 include healthy fruits and vegetables. Courtesy photo

Campuses in the Corpus Christi Independent School District will be closed until at least April 14, the day after Easter Sunday, officials announced March 18. Students were due back from Spring Break on March 23, which had already been extended from one week to two.
Also, the College Board canceled May SATs scheduled for May 2. Future dates for the tests will be released when feasible. So far, an SAT is still scheduled for June 6. Online resources are available to keep students skills sharp, said the College Board in a news release.
Parents received an automated announcement from CCISD Superintendent Dr. Roland Hernandez. He was especially sensitive to seniors in their last semester of secondary school.
“I am so very sorry that your final semester has been interrupted,” Hernandez said. “I feel your hurt that proms and graduations may be affected. We still hope that this does not happen, but we must be prepared that it might.”
The district is taking the time to deep clean schools in preparation for a return of students sometime in the near future. District business continues with employees working from home and on site.
A news release did say that students could be called back earlier if the situation warrants or that the closure could be extended.
“In the coming days, CCISD will provide more learning opportunities for students,” reads the news release. “In addition to helping keep students on grade level, it is the district’s hope that offering lessons will help provide some comforting structure to the day.”
Some resources have been posted for elementary and secondary schools.
Free curbside lunches are also being served at the following locations:
• Mary Carroll High School, 5301 Weber Road
• Richard King High School, 5225 Gollihar Road
• Roy Miller High School, 1 Battlin Buc Blvd.
• Foy H. Moody High School, 1818 Trojan Drive
• W.B. Ray High School, 1002 Texan Trail
• Veterans Memorial High School, 3750 Cimarron Blvd.
Pull up in your vehicle and stay in the car. The food will be delivered to you. Meals include sandwiches, vegetables, fruit, and milk. Parents can pick one lunch per child who is present. Lunches are handed out from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
For more information, visit the website at or call 361-887-6291. Also, for information on how to talk to your kids about COVID-19, the district shared a link to the National Association of School Psychologist’s online publication on the topic.

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