Corpus Christi and Nueces County authorities plan to set up a mass COVID-19 vaccination site at the American Bank Center but, at the moment, have no vaccines to distribute. Drive-through distribution at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds in Robstown, which is set up as a mega-site, had to be canceled Jan. 18-21 because no new shipments from the state have arrived. Distribution centers are designated as mega-sites if they give out at least 1,000 doses a day. 
The mass site will be set up to make vaccines more accessible to people who cannot drive to Robstown. 
“This is another site that’s going to help not only alleviate the wait times at our site but also address a different population as well, people that can’t wait so long in a drive-through,” Nueces County Emergency Management Coordinator Melissa Munguia told county commissioners at their meeting Jan. 20.
The American Bank Center site will be run by Driscoll Children’s Hospital.
Lack of vaccines goes all the way to the top, Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales said. 
“The problem isn’t us,” she said. “The problem is the national supply being very limited. We’re ready.” 
Currently, the county and city await a shipment of 5,000 Moderna vaccine doses promised from the state. Once they are delivered, they will be distributed at the fairgrounds on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible people under the state of Texas vaccination plan's Phase 1A and 1B categories, which include healthcare workers, long-term care facility staff and residents, those ages 65 and older, and those ages 16 and older with serious medical conditions. 
Of the 9,380 doses already distributed, 75 percent were administered at the fairgrounds to Nueces County residents, 98 percent of which live in Corpus Christi. You do not have to be a resident of Nueces County to get a shot at the site, which is set up for the entire Coastal Bend region.