The 2020 Y Women in Careers awards were recently announced, inducting four professional and successful women into the YWCA Corpus Christi’s Hall of Fame. To date, 294 women have been recognized in the 41 years of the award. 
Awarded were Kiwana Denson, director of strategic initiatives at Del Mar College; Marie Emilia Martinez, associate vice president of student access at Texas A&M University-Kingsville; Annette Rodriguez, public health director; and Judith E. Talavera, president and chief operation officer of AEP Texas. 
The women will be recognized for their achievements during a virtual ceremony at 6 p.m. March 4. 
“We are honoring them for their accomplishments, for the paths that they paved, and for leading forward while still giving back to the community,” said YWCA board President Sharon Bailey Murphy. 
Nominations come from across the Coastal Bend and South Texas. A group of anonymous community leaders reviews the nominations and makes recommendations to another group that then picks the honorees.