The January issue sums up the water woes of last year while looking ahead at city and state agendas for the coming year. Here’s a sample of what you’ll find in the current issue of Corpus Christi Business News this month.


New back-flow ordinance coming: City manager Margie Rose tells Corpus Christi City Council members they will have a new ordinance to consider when they meet Jan. 10. Will the tougher ordinance help prevent future water contamination problems? 
• ‘Abundance of caution’ led to water ban: No contaminants were found in the testing, so why the no-use ban? 
Attorney general investigates water crisis: Along with involvement by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Environmental Protection Agency, the state attorney general’s office has been asked to investigate the no-use water ban in Corpus Christi. 
Restraining order issued, lawsuits filed in water crisis: As the public begins to weigh in on the water crisis, lawsuits were being filed at the county courthouse. 


•  Local legislator: State Rep. Todd Hunter, chair of the powerful Calendars Committee, outlines his agenda for the upcoming state legislative term, which begins Jan. 10.
• Could Shoreline Drive open up again? Before the water hit the fan, city council members decided to leave the asphalt on the abandoned portion of Shoreline Drive rather than plant trees or grass there. Just in case. 
• Hot-button issues top 85th legislative agenda: In the Legal Guide,  attorney Andrew Greenwell previews early bill filings. 

Bay Area Child Development Center: How a home-based day care became a business with two facilities in the city. 

Corpus Christi Pet Memorial Center: Two dog lovers and owners provide a service to the city that honors and dignifies our furry friends in death. 

Refund Transmit Service Income Tax: Family-owned-and-operated, this tax return firm has 28 years’ experience filing income tax returns.


• Texas State Aquarium wins first Bizzy Award: The United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce recognizes the achievements of local businesses and nonprofits at its first-ever Bizzy Awards banquet.

• More than PATCH needed: The Ritz Theater renews efforts to raise money for a much-needed renovation. 

• Port of Corpus Christi bids on Sherwin Alumina: A first bid earlier in the year failed, but now that the plant has closed for business, the property might soon belong to the port. 

• Corpus Christi named a Film Friendly City: What’s good for Hollywood business could soon be even better for Corpus Christi business as the city makes the grade as an official Film Friendly City.

New oil refinery to be built in South Texas: The first new crude oil refinery to be built in the United States in 40 years might soon begin construction in Duvall County. 

Alamo Drafthouse now hiring: Get ready for one of the most-anticipated openings of a new feature in the city! Alamo Drafthouse is expected to open soon and is now taking applications for positions.

Corpus Christi Songwriters launches Hall of Fame: You can become a part of naming the next Hall of Fame members highlighting local talent. 

Build your own business: StartSmart classes begin soon at the Small Business Development Center at Dell Mar College. Don’t start your own business without it! 


• Just a small sample of the local events that readers can find online at A digital interactive calendar, the events calendar collects your favorites, downloads them to your digital calendar and emails them to yourself, family or friends. It’s an instant party planner in your hand.


Clowns Who Care: Just one of many ways to volunteer at Driscoll Children’s Hospital, Clowns Who Care turn frowns upside down.