Jim Sambol, owner of Cup Graphics and Screen Printing, at his Ayers Street studio in Corpus Christi. Photo by Carrie Robertson Meyer/Third Coast Photo
Cup Graphics and Screen Printing is a full-service custom silk-screen printing company that can put your company name on just about anything, including T-shirts, banners and koozies. Operating in Corpus Christi since 1985, this longtime local company knows how to connect businesses with its customers in the Coastal Bend. It is so in touch with the community that in 2015, Cup Graphics was honored with the Small Business of the Year Award from the Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce.
The company operates out of an office on Ayers Street in Pharoah Plaza. Talented in-house designers and printers create quality designs for quality products and happy customers. Customer satisfaction for a job well done sets them apart from the competition, said Jim Sambol, owner of Cup Graphics and Screen Printing
“There’s always something new going on, and we get to be creative with our artwork,” Sambol told Corpus Christi Business News. “It gives us an opportunity to meet a lot of people from different cultures with different businesses.”
Customers include public and private schools, universities, clubs and small businesses. The company also creates designs for local events such as the Conquer the Coast bicycle run and the Aransas Pass Shrimporee.
Sambol’s proudest moment in screen printing came when he received an order from a Vietnam War veteran who was organizing a Christmas Day walk for his former company, now located in Iraq, on a very low budget. Sambol opted to donate 150 shirts with the group’s logo, but with one stipulation.
“I wanted to get the autographs from as many of the participants as I could on a shirt,” Sambol said. “Six weeks later, I got a package in the mail.”
The package contained the autographed shirt along with a plaque, an American flag and a photo of an Apache helicopter flying that flag out its window.
The plaque reads: “This certificate authenticates that this American Flag was flown over Baghdad, Iraq, in Operation Iraqi Freedom in an AH-64D Apache Longbow … The flag was flown on a combat mission in support of U.S. Soldiers. It is presented with great thanks and in sincere appreciation of your support to our deployed soldiers to Mr. Jim Sambol.”
Originally from Kansas City, Sambol said he is proud to serve the community of Corpus Christi, which he has called home for nearly 40 years.
“I’ve always liked the atmosphere,” said Sambol, who is active in various groups and clubs. “I enjoy the coast and the strong, dedicated community.”
Cup Graphics and Screen Printing is located at 4701 Ayers, Suite 404. For more information, call (361) 852-8855 or visit cupgraphics.com.